1/4105 scale #Jupiter class Battlestar #Galactica. 2/2 #BattlestarGalactica #Starship #ScaleModels #ModelBuilder #MKMModelwerx
#jupiter #galactica #battlestargalactica #starship #scalemodels #modelbuilder #mkmmodelwerx
1/4105 scale #Jupiter class Battlestar #Galactica. 1/2 #BattlestarGalactica #Starship #ScaleModels #ModelBuilder #MKMModelwerx
#jupiter #galactica #battlestargalactica #starship #scalemodels #modelbuilder #mkmmodelwerx
Wenn man sich bei einer Serie zu wünschen beginnt, dass die Protagonisten allesamt ausgelöscht werden und die Antagonisten dem Treiben endlich ein wohlverdientes Ende bereiten, dann haben Skript, Regie und Produktionsleitung offenbar einen inkompatiblen Ansatz verfolgt.
#BattlestarGalactica #Galactica
Und wenn sie schon dabei sind, sollten die Robotversionen die menschenähnlichen #Zylonen gleich mit vernichten. Die benehmen sich genauso bekloppt wie ihre menschlichen Vorbilder.
#BattlestarGalactica #galactica #zylonen
Les cylons sont pas jojo mais c'est pas des flèches…
#BattlestarGalactica "Perseverance" (version 2)
#peterhirschberg #fanFilm #fanmade #cylons #galactica #battlestargalactica
Welp, fine... guess I'm making my own microscale Cylon Battlestar (only ~32mm diameter)
#battlestar #galactica #3dprinting
1/4105 scale Galactica #BattlestarGalactica #Galactica #ScaleModels #ColonialFleet #JupiterClass #4105Scale #MKMModelwerx
#battlestargalactica #galactica #scalemodels #colonialfleet #jupiterclass #4105scale #mkmmodelwerx
1/4105 scale Galactica #BattlestarGalactica #Galactica #ScaleModels #ColonialFleet #JupiterClass #4105Scale #MKMModelwerx
#battlestargalactica #galactica #scalemodels #colonialfleet #jupiterclass #4105scale #mkmmodelwerx
1/4105 scale Galactica #BattlestarGalactica #Galactica #ScaleModels #ColonialFleet #JupiterClass #4105Scale #MKMModelwerx
#battlestargalactica #galactica #scalemodels #colonialfleet #jupiterclass #4105scale #mkmmodelwerx
1/4105 scale Galactica #BattlestarGalactica #Galactica #ScaleModels #ColonialFleet #JupiterClass #4105Scale #MKMModelwerx
#battlestargalactica #galactica #scalemodels #colonialfleet #jupiterclass #4105scale #mkmmodelwerx
The last couple of weeks I’d been in no mood to paint models, so I did the only thing I could to light a fire under me and force me. I wired up and assembled half my stash to the paint stage (except the Sovereign, that’s been in its current state for 2 years). #StarTrek #StarTrekModels #StarWars #BattlestarGalactica #ExcelsiorClass #SovereignClass #Galactica #Pegasus #KelvinConstitutionClass #MillenniumFalcon #NXClass #OberthClass
#startrek #startrekmodels #starwars #battlestargalactica #excelsiorclass #sovereignclass #galactica #pegasus #kelvinconstitutionclass #millenniumfalcon #nxclass #oberthclass
It may be Star Trek: #Galactica, but I love it.
#galactica #startrekpicard #battlestargalactica
Bo-Katan sempre será Kara "Starbuck" :blobhearteyes: #Mandalorian #Galactica
I don't know whether it counts as hyperventilating, but my relative high level of concern about the type of AI that LeCun put out there himself with #Galactica is that not that there is some sort of hard take off. It's that he and so many others are creating systems that can flood the zone with shit at a rate that would leave Steve Bannon reeling in shock and awe.
Giving Galactica more pep! Check out the Galactic Cow podcast, we're talking about teaching, the Universe, and everything,
https://bit.ly/thegalacticcow 💜
@artwork @edutooters
#Podcast #Educator #Education
#TeachingAndLearning #AdultEducation
#GalacticCow #Galactica #GalacticCowPodcast
#galacticcowpodcast #galactica #galacticcow #adulteducation #teachingandlearning #education #educator #podcast
‘We are a little bit scared’: OpenAI CEO warns of risks of artificial intelligence | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian
So, the code name of GPT-4 is #Galactica, then? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/17/openai-sam-altman-artificial-intelligence-warning-gpt4
Ultima fatica #stampa3D #3dprinting #galactica #battlestargalactica
#stampa3D #3dprinting #galactica #battlestargalactica
Yeah the famed #Adama maneuver
#BSG, #BattleStarGalactia, #Galactica, #SoSayWeAll
#adama #bsg #battlestargalactia #galactica #sosayweall
You should watch #Razor to see where this leads to.
#razor #bsg #battlestargalactia #galactica #sosayweall