#Mood of the day
#Galavant #MoodOfTheDay #DailyMood #moodmusicmonday #MoodMusic
Because what we really need is a new hero.
#mood #galavant #moodoftheday #dailymood #moodmusicmonday #moodmusic
Ngl I kinda wanna write Izzy topping Madelana, the hatefucking would be sublime :blobcat3c:
I rewatched a couple of episodes of #Galavant and holy smokes, I'd forgotten how much fun that show is. Absolutely brilliant ๐ฅ I'd love to write fic for it, but I feel like I'd need to write a lot of songs as well and uhhhh ๐
Kotaku: Baldur's Gate 3 Voice Actor Says His Job Was To Make Sex Sounds https://kotaku.com/baldur-s-gate-3-bg3-romance-voice-actor-sex-scenes-1850713083 #gaming #tech #kotaku #roleplayingvideogames #entertainmentculture #larianstudios #humaninterest #windowsgames #weirdervoice #baldursgate #alexjordan #noisegate #galavant #baldur #tiktok #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #roleplayingvideogames #entertainmentculture #larianstudios #humaninterest #windowsgames #weirdervoice #baldursgate #alexjordan #noisegate #galavant #baldur #tiktok #rpg
Way back in days of old,
There was a kickass show,
And the people called it #Galavant!
Timothy Omundson, had a small dragon,
And they tagged along with Galavaaaant!
Two-season musical, I watched twice the whole way through!
Whatever happened to that Galavant?!
D'Dew, d'dew, d'dew! Tad, I believe in you!
Also a fan of tv shows:
musical comedy: #CrazyExGirlfriend #Galavant
(some musical theatre): #TheMusicMan #Hair
...other stuff... To be continued
#thegoodplace #theventurebrothers #avatarthelastairbender #community #fringe #crazyexgirlfriend #galavant #themusicman #Hair #barneymiller #therockfordfiles #backtothefuture #scottpilgrim
Only three songs this time round, and two of them less catchy (but still great). Looking forward to re-watching it soon...
Beep Boop.
This show brings me the joy that #Galavant did but #Schmigadoon! somehow failed to.
#galavant #Schmigadoon #greaseriseofthepinkladies
Watching Galavant. The perfect snow day binge. Havenโt watched it for a bit but still remember most of the songs. #Galavant
So I am on this worldwide network of computers with people posting links to things they like and comments on their favourite media and I still constantly come across TV shows I have never heard of.
There is no song more romantic than "Maybe you won't die alone" from #Galavant
So there's a show called #Galavant that I'm pretty sure was a fever dream, it had two seasons and I've never met another person alive who's seen it but I still wake up in cold sweats thinking about it. I have a Google alert in the hopes that it'd be picked up and continued by Netflix.
I know we're well out of the "saved by a streaming service" window but this loss will haunt me until I die. Or for like, a few years idk
With another boat getting stuck in a canal, I'm once again reminded of this excellent tune from Galavant.
There was a medieval musical comedy called Galavant once. I think I'm the only fan. But just in case I'm not.
Not much chance of a reboot/continuation at this point, but...
I super believe in you Tad Cooper
Acabo de ver el episodio S01 | E08 de Galavant! #galavant https://tvtime.com/r/2DW1w #tvtime
Our internet was out this morning so we watched a few episodes of #Galavant on DVD instead. I miss that show! It was silly in the best way, and the songs were SO good. It was a miracle it got a second season, but tragic that it didn't get more than that.
This year I richly enjoyed #Galavant and #MotherlandFortSalem and I hope in 2023 I discover more shows like them. Galavant: Big musical song-and-dance humor, jokes that poke at the fourth wall and the idiosyncrasies of the media factories. M:FS: weird fun worldbuilding, engaging suspense, zillions of women characters, and at least 1 nonbinary character, lots of chromatic characters, with super different personalities. Both: the sense that the showmakers are glad I am enjoying the show!
#galavant #motherlandfortsalem