It's 1982 and you're terrible at Arcade games... 🕹️
Never fear! Craig Kubey delivers the "Winner's Book of Video Games"‼️
Asteroids. Missile Command. Defender. Pac-Man. and many, many more!
Check it out here:
#Arcade #Arcades #Gaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #Gamer #Defender #Pong #SpaceWar #Combat #Galaga #Galaxian #Shmup #MissileCommand #Asteroids #SpaceInvaders #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Breakout #Berzerk #QIX #Eliminator #Gorf #Centipede #Tempest
#tempest #centipede #gorf #eliminator #qix #Berzerk #breakout #bookstodon #Books #book #spaceinvaders #asteroids #missilecommand #shmup #galaxian #galaga #combat #spacewar #pong #defender #gamer #videogames #videogame #Gaming #arcades #arcade
【携帯ゲーム】平成のたまごっちブームに便乗したド根性ホビーVS最新技術で完全再現!手のひらサイズのレトロゲーム筐体!【TINY ARCADE】
#4Gamer #arcade #FROGGER #Galaga #Galaxian #NeoGeo #NEOGEOmini #PAC-MAN #TAITO #TINYARCADE #Vlog #voiceactor #イライラ棒 #ウッチャンナンチャン #お菓子 #ギャラガ #ギャラクシアン #ゲーム #ゲーム実況 #ゲーム機 #タイニーアーケード #たまごっち #バイク #パックマン #フロッガー #ポケットビスケッツ #ホビー #マフィア梶田 #ライター #レトロ #レトロゲーム #わしゃがな #わしゃがなTV #わしゃ生 #中村悠一 #声優 #大川ぶくぶ #実況 #携帯ゲーム平成のたまごっちブームに便乗したド根性ホビーVS最新技術で完全再現手のひらサイズのレトロゲーム筐体TINY #携帯ゲーム機 #漫画家 #男性声優
#4gamer #arcade #frogger #galaga #galaxian #neogeo #neogeomini #pac #taito #tinyarcade #vlog #voiceactor #イライラ棒 #ウッチャンナンチャン #お菓子 #ギャラガ #ギャラクシアン #ゲーム #ゲーム実況 #ゲーム機 #タイニーアーケード #たまごっち #バイク #パックマン #フロッガー #ポケットビスケッツ #ホビー #マフィア梶田 #ライター #レトロ #レトロゲーム #わしゃがな #わしゃがなTV #わしゃ生 #中村悠一 #声優 #大川ぶくぶ #実況 #携帯ゲーム平成のたまごっちブームに便乗したド根性ホビーvs最新技術で完全再現手のひらサイズのレトロゲーム筐体tiny #携帯ゲーム機 #漫画家 #男性声優
Two young girls sitting next to me in the plane saw me playing #Galaxian on my Atari handheld. They said “it’s cool! Does it play Mario?” I then pulled up my Pocket-Go that had a lot of emulator games including Gameboy Advance games and gave them both the retro consoles to play Mario and Frogger. Before leaving the plane, they gave me this post card below. So cool and so nice to see the new generation enjoying our #retrogaming #retrocomputing stuff !
#galaxian #retrogaming #retrocomputing
#Retrogaming in #Fortnite in the store this week (Season 4, Chapter 1): animated gameplay emotes for #PacMan and #Galaxian and Pac-Man back bling.
#retrogaming #Fortnite #pacman #galaxian #archaeogaming
The missus crocheted this wonderful blanket for me. Love it ! #galaxian #crochet #crochetedblanket #retrogaming
#galaxian #crochet #crochetedblanket #retrogaming
The missus crocheted this wonderful blanket for me. Love it ! #galaxian #crochet #crochetedblanket #retrogaming
#galaxian #crochet #crochetedblanket #retrogaming
#RetroMonday part 2 Probably the first arcade game I got hooked on #Galaxian my dad used to give me and my brother £1 each on holiday, back then £2 was 20 plays! Of course we would keep going back asking for more money while my mum & dad sat in the bar 😂 my mum actually cleared a sheet of Galaxian as she wanted to see what all the fuss was about, this was the one and only time she played a Video Game. #ShareYourGames
#retromonday #galaxian #shareyourgames
#1980s #JPop #Retro #Synth #RockNRoll #Pop #Arcade #16bits #Memories #VHS #Magazines #Walkman #AcidWash #Polaroid #PC #PacMan #Galaxian #BigHair #Permed #HairGel #Dope #Neon #BoomBox #McFly
#1980s #jpop #retro #synth #rocknroll #pop #arcade #16bits #memories #vhs #magazines #walkman #acidwash #polaroid #pc #pacman #galaxian #bighair #permed #hairgel #dope #neon #boombox #mcfly
Saturday morning pull from #TheVideoGameLibrary:
Published in 2004, David Ellis brings us the Official Price Guide to Classic #VideoGames offering a detailed overview of video games from the 1970s to the mid-1980s.
Check it out here:
#Asteroids #Frogger #Galaga #Galaxian #Gaming #Arcade #RetroGaming #Tempest #StarWars #Pong #Robotron #SpaceInvaders #PacMan #MissileCommand #Atari #Midway #Sega #Coleco #IkariWarriors #MarbleMadness #Book #Bookstodon #Books #Nintendo
#Nintendo #Books #bookstodon #book #marblemadness #ikariwarriors #coleco #sega #midway #atari #missilecommand #pacman #spaceinvaders #Robotron #pong #StarWars #tempest #retrogaming #arcade #Gaming #galaxian #galaga #frogger #asteroids #videogames #thevideogamelibrary
To be completely honest, the reason I think I preferred the Famicom version of #Galaxian to the arcade version is it's easier to line up my shots. The #ArcadeArchives release is making me "git gud", at least. Well, just slightly less garbage.
To be completely honest, the reason I think I preferred the Famicom version of #Galaxian to the arcade version is it's easier to line up my shots. The #ArcadeArchives release is making me "git gud", at least. Well, just slightly less garbage.
Esta semana salieron en la #eShop de #NintendoSwitch juegos como #GALAXIAN, #GOODBYEWORLD y #SoccerStory, y hay muchas ofertas disponibles :3.
#eshop #nintendoswitch #galaxian #goodbyeworld #soccerstory
@Recta_Pete #Galaxian is a good game, but as a kid I was such a #Galaga fan that when I’d walk up to the cabinet and see it was this instead I’d feel bamboozled.
It's not a good score, but it's my score. #Galaxian #ArcadeArchives #ギャラクシアン
#galaxian #arcadearchives #ギャラクシアン
It's not a good score, but it's my score. #Galaxian #ArcadeArchives #ギャラクシアン
#galaxian #arcadearchives #ギャラクシアン
Tomorrow is US Thanksgiving, but more importantly, it's the day #Galaxian for Switch and PS4 is released.