#RafraîchisTonFil 🧊 ❄️
Akseli Gallen-Kallela, détail de La Tanière du lynx, 1906
Ces empreintes de lynx dans la neige… 🐾 🤍
Expo Gallen-Kallela, musée Jacquemart-André, Paris, avril 2022
#1jour1souvenir #GallenKallela #peinture #art #Finlande #JacquemartAndré
#rafraichistonfil #1jour1souvenir #gallenkallela #peinture #art #finlande #jacquemartandre
#RafraîchisTonFil 🧊 ❄️
Akseli Gallen-Kallela, détail de La Tanière du lynx, 1906
Ces empreintes de lynx dans la neige… 🐾 🤍
Expo Gallen-Kallela, musée Jacquemart-André, Paris, avril 2022
#1jour1souvenir #GallenKallela #peinture #art #Finlande #JacquemartAndré
#rafraichistonfil #1jour1souvenir #gallenkallela #peinture #art #finlande #jacquemartandre
RT @AkseliGallenArt@twitter.com
The Defense of the Sampo, 1896 #gallenkallela #akseligallenkallela https://www.wikiart.org/en/akseli-gallen-kallela/the-defense-of-the-sampo-1896
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AkseliGallenArt/status/1600201270714826778
#akseligallenkallela #gallenkallela
RT @AkseliGallenArt@twitter.com
Le depart de Väinämöinen, 1906 #gallenkallela #symbolism https://www.wikiart.org/en/akseli-gallen-kallela/le-depart-de-v-in-m-inen-1906
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AkseliGallenArt/status/1600284164284104705
A favourite wintry painting - Lake Keitele, 1905
Akseli Gallen-Kallela
(Finnish, 1865-1931)
There are many versions of this onlone, and the colours range from this version in muted greys, greens and blues, to some that have much brighter colouring but to me, this one feels the most convincing.
#frozen #gallenkallela #ice #winter #artists
RT @AkseliGallenArt
The Defense of the Sampo, 1896 #artnouveau #gallenkallela https://www.wikiart.org/en/akseli-gallen-kallela/the-defense-of-the-sampo-1896