Cries of “Shame! Shame!” rang out through a #Vancouver gallery Wednesday (March 15) as the families of #Indigenous and #Black people #killed by #police in #BritishColumbia and #Canada gathered to mark #InternationalDayAgainstPoliceBrutality .
The #GalleryGachet space is lined with dozens of sewn #art pieces, displaying the names of a fraction of the people who have #died following #ViolentInteraction with police in Canada.
#vancouver #indigenous #black #killed #police #britishcolumbia #canada #internationaldayagainstpolicebrutality #gallerygachet #art #died #violentinteraction #healingart #artgallery #acab
Bernadine speaks with Ann Bemrose about how #ToxicPositivity impacts on our mental health and then engages with folks from #GalleryGachet on their upcoming #DisabilityJustice Dreaming Sessions.
#toxicpositivity #gallerygachet #disabilityjustice