#Galls on a scrub oak leaf. These are associated with the Crystalline Gall Wasp. There are about a dozen on these leaves.
@Carl_Zimmer some individual plants in populations seem more susceptible to galling, but I don't think anyone knows exactly why. This is true of #herbivory in general and not just #galls. The folks involved in the Herbivory Variability Network (https://herbvar.org) might have a better answer though.
Photographs from Smith Rock State Park in Oregon. #spiders #insects #galls #lichens #phytoplasma #nature #photography #Oregon https://colinpurrington.com/2023/06/misery-ridge-nature-walk/
#spiders #insects #galls #lichens #phytoplasma #nature #photography #oregon
I found this ball in the bird bath under a Red Oak tree. This gall is produced by a small wasp, the "Larger Empty Oak Apple Gall Wasp" (Amphibolips quercusianis). What a name! The galls are attached to the underside of oak leaves. The egg/larva develops in the centre of the ball.
#MacroPhotography #insects #galls
#galls #insects #macrophotography
During my #garden experience yesterday I found more oak galls, but also discovered these young #bugs on most of the young #oak leaves.
No idea what they'll eventually become, but I found it interesting that these two were on #galls. One of these bugs "bit" my finger when I held it from another area.
I'm curious to know if they're gaining benefit from these galls or what their purpose is.
iNaturalist hasn't definitively id'd these either...
#Insects #spring #ID #gardening #HomegrownNationalPark
#homegrownnationalpark #Gardening #id #Spring #Insects #galls #oak #bugs #garden
Willow Pinecone Gall (Rabdophaga strobiloides)
#Gall #Galls #Diptera #Flies #Willow #Plant #Plants
#ArtWithOpenSource #Darktable #CreativeCommons #CCBYSA
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#Gall #galls #Diptera #flies #Willow #plant #plants #artwithopensource #darktable #creativecommons #ccbysa #nature #naturephotography #photography
@friesen5000 I must share a photo from last fall: sumac galls, caused by sumac gall aphids. I hear that this is an incredibly ancient relationship; DNA analysis seems to show that ancestral sumacs already hosted ancestral gall aphids 50 million years ago.
Sehr spannend: Hypergallen.
Insekten, die eine Galle nutzen um darauf eine Galle zu erzeugen.
102 Insekten wurden beobachtet, die aus einer einzigen Galle kamen. 5 entdeckte Parasitenspezies allein für die Hypergallen.😲
Faszinierendes Minibiotop!🤩
RT @wasp_venom
Excited to share our new #galls paper! Describing a fun phenomenon in a new system @bugs_in_bugs, @qbaine, and I have been developing using Aciurina gall flies on rabbitbrus…
Puccinia smyrnii, a rust fungus, on Alexanders in #Apiaceae -- among the first in this family to flower in Britain and Ireland. It grows abundantly in areas near the sea, as here. Mediterranean and Atlantic distribution from N Africa up; inland too of course. #WildFlowerHour #Galls #Fungi https://species.nbnatlas.org/species/NBNSYS0000003652
#apiaceae #wildflowerhour #galls #fungi
Great entry on British Plant Galls fb page: 'sectioned autumnal petiole gall of Pemphigus spyrothecae, wingless and winged forms of aphids and “marbles”. The marbles are aphid-excreted honeydew droplets coated with wax/fatty acids which makes the honeydew non-sticky. Without the wax coating, the honeydew would glue up the wings and probably ”drown” the aphids. The wax also means the marbles do not stick to the sides of the gall chamber and are easily ”kicked” to one side ... sanitation? #Galls
RT @0_minyaaa@twitter.com
Saw this from a post of "Co's Digital Flora of the Philippines" FB group (which doesn't have an equivalent twitter account for me to RT) - look at those amazing flower-life leaf #GALLS omg!!!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/0_minyaaa/status/1616163555610595334
Timothy Frey's tips on how to photograph galls so that you can get them identified. I love it when people put helpful stuff like this on their #iNaturalist profiles. https://www.inaturalist.org/people/1878779#:~:text=To%20help%20get%20your%20gall%20IDed%20on%20iNat%20include%20the%20following%20pictures%3A
#galls #gall #insect #entomology #plants #nature #photography
#inaturalist #galls #gall #insect #entomology #plants #nature #photography
One of my favorite pics from 2022, a cluster of sugar-exuding Callirhytis quercusgemmaria galls being tended by ferruginous carpenter ants (Camponotus chromaiodes).
#oak #galls #Cynipidae #ants #wasps #Quercus #entomology #insects #Hymenoptera #nature #photography #macro
#oak #galls #cynipidae #ants #wasps #Quercus #entomology #insects #Hymenoptera #nature #photography #macro
Very pleased to announce that our #gall paper is officially published! Ann-Kathrin's master's research was really interesting and I think her findings will be super useful for the museum community. #NewPaperAlert Mertz et al. 2022 #Curation and #Digitization of #Insect #Galls at the State #Museum of #NaturalHistory Stuttgart https://doi.org/10.18476/2022.491606
#gall #newpaperalert #curation #digitization #insect #galls #museum #naturalhistory
Mossy gall I saw yesterday on my walk on an urban trail. According to Barbara Ertter, these galls are common on non-native roses often found on the green belt in Boise. It's been a nice distraction to be able to walk and try to identify and learn to recognize all these new plants and animals to me. Urban riperian corridors for animals and people are so important. They keep us grounded and yet simultaneously flowing. #urbanecology #galls #plants
Cynipid wasp on snow. Given the highly reduced wings I'm assuming this is a female of the agamic generation. Not sure what species (Acraspis?). #wasps #Hymenoptera #insect #entomology #snow #asexual #supranivean #GallWasps #galls
#wasps #Hymenoptera #insect #entomology #snow #asexual #supranivean #gallwasps #galls
Cynipid wasp on snow. Given the highly reduced wings I'm assuming this a female of the agamic generation. Not sure what species (Acraspis?). #wasps #Hymenoptera #insect #entomology #snow #asexual #supranivean #GallWasps #galls
#wasps #Hymenoptera #insect #entomology #snow #asexual #supranivean #gallwasps #galls
Cynipid wasp on snow. Given the highly reduced wings I'm assuming this a female of the agamic generation. Not sure what species (Acraspsis?). #wasps #Hymenoptera #insect #entomology #snow #asexual #supranivean #GallWasps #galls
#wasps #Hymenoptera #insect #entomology #snow #asexual #supranivean #gallwasps #galls
This was my first encounter with a Hedgehog Gall on a White family Oak leaf several years ago. Looks more like a slug or caterpillar than a leaf gall. Cross section shows interior and the Wasp larvae inside. Don't fret, there were LOTS of them😉 #galls