Finito ora. Non è una recensione, che forse scriverò in futuro (dove possa finalmente scrivere più di 500 caratteri 😞)
Devo dire molto simpatico tuttavia: la "sorpresa" romanzata che si sono inventati gli autori, secondo è talmente sopra le righe e tirata per le orecchie, che non regge tanto.
Il setup funziona benissimo, ma poi va via via perdendo. Peccato. Cmq simpatico da leggere, sono contento e lo consiglio.
#EvaristeGalois #Galois #matematica #rivoluzionefrancese #teoriadeigruppi
#evaristegalois #galois #matematica #rivoluzionefrancese #teoriadeigruppi
Évariste Galois was a french mathematician who, as a teenager, solved a 350-year-old problem regarding the condition necessary for a polynomial to be solvable by radicals. His work laid a foundation for a major branch of abstract algebra called Galois theory.
#onthisday in 1832 Galois wrote to a friend accurately predicting that he would die in a duel taking place the next morning. The duel was likely over a woman. In his final letter, Galois describes his work in mathematics and closed with, "Eventually there will be, I hope, some people who will find it profitable to decipher this mess." He was only 20 years old at his death.
#math #galois #abstractalgebra
[1] "Évariste Galois",
#abstractalgebra #galois #math #onthisday
The fascinating Heegner numbers [1] are so named for the amateur mathematician who proved Gauss' conjecture that the numbers {-1, -2, -3, -7, -11, -19, -43, -67,-163} are the only values of -d for which imaginary quadratic fields Q[√-d] are uniquely factorable into factors of the form a + b√-d (for a, b ∈ ℤ) (i.e., the field "splits" [2]). Today it is known that there are only nine Heegner numbers: -1, -2, -3, -7, -11, -19, -43, -67, and -163 [3].
Interestingly, the number 163 turns up in all kinds of surprising places, including the irrational constant e^{π√163} ≈ 262537412640768743.9999999999992500... (≈ 2.6253741264×10^{17}), which is known as the Ramanujan Constant [3].
Some of my notes are here: As always, questions/comments/corrections/* greatly appreciated.
#math #galois #gauss #heegnernumber #ramanujan
[1] "Heegner Number",
[2] "Splitting Field",
[3] "Heegner numbers: imaginary quadratic fields with unique factorization (or class number 1).",
[4] "Ramanujan Constant",
#ramanujan #heegnernumber #gauss #galois #math
#FinishedReading a fictionalised novel about #Galois by #TomPetsinis , picked up at a #littleFreeLibrary . Galois is a remarkably unpleasant protagonist in this - conceited, sexist, and paranoid, among other faults - but the book is still very readable, carried through by vivid depictions of the revolutionary chaos of 1830s Paris. #Bookstodon #AustralianFiction
#australianfiction #bookstodon #littlefreelibrary #tompetsinis #galois #finishedreading
Le duel le plus fou de l'histoire a tué un mathématicien de génie |
#galois #duel #histoire #mathematiques
Crypto Hedge Fund Galois Capital Shuts Down — ‘We Lost Almost Half Our Assets to FTX Disaster’ - Crypto hedge fund Galois Capital is shutting down after losing about half of its a... - #cryptohedgefundshutsdownftx #galoisshuttingdown #galoisclosingdown #cryptohedgefund #galoishedgefund #galoiscapital #ftxcontagion #ftxcollapse #galoisftx #featured #galois #ftx
#ftx #galois #featured #galoisftx #ftxcollapse #ftxcontagion #galoiscapital #galoishedgefund #cryptohedgefund #galoisclosingdown #galoisshuttingdown #cryptohedgefundshutsdownftx
Cómo funciona una #VPN? Derivando nos lo explica en el vídeo:
#vpn #matematicas #spanish #espanol #aes #encriptacion #galois
🎙 Pas facile de dormir quand on sait qu’on va probablement mourir au petit matin…
Laissez-moi vous conter la dernière nuit du Petit Prince de la géométrie algébrique.
#mathsentete #galois #podcast
Obviously it shouldn't be possible to expose (even very wealthy) investors to such potential losses. Parties on the political right always want light touch/self-regulation of financial markets. It only works for hedge funds and investment banks, not for investors.
#galois #ftx
Hedge fund Galois Capital says half its capital stuck on FTX exchange, Financial Times reports | Reuters
Смотрите "Evariste #Galois - I don't have the time (in French) | 2011" на YouTube
Pas sûr que le télétravail soit une option, mais au #CNRS il y a ce poste pour faire un frontend en #PureScript (un langage très similaire à #Haskell compilant vers #Javascript) pour leur #LogicielLibre #Gargantext qui a été réécrit en #Haskell :
Aussi, chaque semaine ya qqs offres d'emploi ici : mais c'est surtout #Galois en ce moment.
#cnrs #purescript #haskell #javascript #logiciellibre #gargantext #galois