First paper published by Centre of Excellence in Gambling Research will show Sydney Uni is as deluded about safe gambling as a gambling addict. #GamblingIsForLosers
‘Disgraced gambling giant Crown used its history of egregious law-breaking to argue down the third-largest corporate fine in Australian history’ #DoubleOrNothing #GamblingIsForLosers
#doubleornothing #gamblingisforlosers
“Sporting codes’ gambling revenue is not sacrosanct. A business model that relies on causing harm must end”
#GamblingIndustry money is no more sacrosanct than tobacco, alcohol or fossil fuel industry money. You decide what are your principles and live accordingly #GamblingIsForLosers
#gamblingindustry #gamblingisforlosers
“Two-thirds of people playing NSW pokies before 8am are problem gamblers or at risk, research shows” #WellDuh #GamblingIsForLosers
“NSW pokies took $4.3bn from punters in six months as political leaders debated reform”
“NSW election: crossbench to push Labor on gambling reform as hopes of majority government fade”
Just as I speculated - a minority Labor government will deliver better outcomes for NSW #GamblingIsForLosers
'We can't work with this minister': How a gambling lobby group forced a minister out
The rest of the world is in disbelief at what the gambling industry has pulled off in Australia. We need real reform
Why aren’t the victims of the gambling industry demanding reforms?
1. They can’t admit they have a problem.
2. They have drunk the gambling industry Koolaid and believe they have a chance to win.
3. They are not at the stage where they accept they need help.
4. They are addicted and addicts don’t think logically or objectively.
#GamblingIsForLosers #RockAndAHardPlace
#gamblingisforlosers #rockandahardplace
NSW moves to raise taxes on casino poker machines amid push for gambling reform.
What a crock of shite. #Domicron wants to tie the health of the state economy even more closely to the fortunes of #Casinos. He is prepared to take a few hundred million in exchange for the billions in criminal activity, money laundering and family misery.
#Domicron and NSW #LNP are set to be massive losers in March.
#domicron #casinos #gamblingisforlosers #lnp
Victoria’s RSLs made $163m from gambling but gave only $8.4m in direct community funding.
Gambling takes - it doesn’t give. #GamblingIsForLosers
Staggering amounts are pumped into pokies in my electorate. ClubsNSW can’t bully me into silence. #GamblingIsForLosers
I’ve never gambled and so maybe I’m missing something. How can the gambling industry get away with illegal and unethical activity that costs the community vastly more than the blood money they hold governments to ransom with? How can they be allowed to destroy families, corrupt the young and facilitate crime? #GamblingIsForLosers