Kotaku: It Looks Like Starfield Has Major Accessibility Problems https://kotaku.com/starfield-release-review-accessibility-xbox-pc-steam-1850793327?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #transportationplanning #technologyinternet #bethesdasoftworks #gameaccessibility #accessibility #ravensoftware #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #stevesaylor #naughtydog #toddhoward #starfield #microsoft #ubisoft #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #transportationplanning #technologyinternet #bethesdasoftworks #gameaccessibility #accessibility #ravensoftware #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #stevesaylor #NaughtyDog #toddhoward #starfield #microsoft #ubisoft #rpg
Tears of the Kingdom: how Nintendo improved (and ignored) UI issues:https://uxdesign.cc/tears-of-the-kingdom-how-nintendo-improved-and-ignored-ui-issues-843f094b14b2
It’s indeed very sad to learn there are accessibility features missing that are standard in other games (like button remapping) in a 2023 blockbuster game. Nintendo, we expect better!
#Zelda #GameUX #GameAccessibility
#Zelda #gameux #gameaccessibility
I’m at Develop this week. :)
It’s agame dev conference here in Brighton in the UK. If anyone else is here and fancies a chat about games and game accessibility let me know! #gamedev #gameaccessibility #games #acessibility
#gamedev #gameaccessibility #games #acessibility
As if you didn’t have enough to get hyped for in #GameAccessibility this year, this teaser was just posted to the audiogames forum. If you recognize where the music comes from you’ll know why this will be a big deal. https://vocaroo.com/19oBGaTVgpiO
The April 2023 audiogames.net monthly digest is live, gathering all the news about games accessible to those with vision impairments. THis month is absolutely stacked, with @nightblade9’s audiogame jam, @superblindman’s surprise Forza announcement and more! https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/48379/audiogamesnet-digest-april-2023/ #GameAccessibility
3 days until the release of my #indiegame Recollection, let's talk about the accessibility options in the game!
#indiedev #gamedev #gameaccessibility
#indiegame #indiedev #gamedev #gameaccessibility
Where's my "skip this fucking jumping puzzle that I've already spent 10 minutes on" #GameAccessibility setting?
UTest is running this survey about UI accessibility, focusing on blind and deaf console gamers in the U.S who use accessibility features while gaming. It's 150 to 200 dollars for a 2 plus hour interview.
#blind #visuallyimpaired #visionimpaired #lowvision #deaf #hardofhearing #deafblind #AccessibleGaming #gameaccessibility #accessibility #a11y #disability
UTest is running this survey about UI accessibility, focusing on blind and deaf console gamers in the U.S who use accessibility features of console or games. It's 150 to 200 dollars for a 2 plus hour interview.
#blind #visuallyimpaired #visionimpaired #deaf #hardofhearing #deafblind #AccessibleGaming #gameaccessibility #accessibility #a11y #disability
UTest is running this survey about UI accessibility, focusing on blind and deaf console gamers in the U.S who use accessibility features of console or games. It's 150 to 200 dollars for a 2 plus hour interview.
#blind #visuallyimpaired #visionimpaired #deaf #hardofhearing #deafblind #AccessibleGaming #gameaccessibility #accessibility #a11y
I am finally putting together a template for writing game accessibility reviews. It is about time I start writing these (and hopefully making some videos too).
I hope I have the spoons to do this as the new year begins.
If you have things you always look for in reviews, please feel free to share them with me, and I'll add it to my template!
#Gaming #Accessibility #A11y #GameAccessibility
#gaming #accessibility #a11y #gameaccessibility
Mila Pavlin, Sony, outlining God of War Ragnarok #a11y features for motor access needs:
* auto traversal
* context sensitive auto pickup
* recenter on attack
#gameaccessibility #a11y #techsharepro2022
Mila Pavlin, Sony, quoting the ESA statistics:
"29% of gamers are over the age of 50"
"43% of gamers use features exclusive to the accessibility menu"
#gameaccessibility #a11y #techsharepro2022
@ovid don't get me started on #GameAccessibility or I'll rant all day. It's brutal. Great to hear that more devs are moving toward a better standard.
Added an option to delay the display time of tiles in battle for #accessibility reasons.
#EmanQuest #IndieDev #GameDev #GodotEngine #GameAccessibility #2dGame #VideoGame #ProcGen #RPG
#rpg #procgen #videogame #2dgame #gameaccessibility #godotengine #gamedev #indiedev #emanquest #accessibility
RT @TisserandDavid@twitter.com
Incoming thread about data on subtitles usage in @Ubisoft@twitter.com games
After the 2018 edition: "~60% of @assassinscreed@twitter.com Origins players turned ON the subtitles"...
...here is the 2019 version 👇
#a11y #tousgamers #gameaccessibility #gamedev #gamesur