Just started working on the upcoming version of #LimboAI. Added several new tasks that are commonly useful in behavior trees.
By the way, we finished messing with the build workflows on GitHub. GitHub Actions can now build binaries for most platforms, saving us a lot of time! 🥳
LimboAI is an open-source C++ module for Godot 4 that offers a combination of behavior trees and state machines for crafting your game's AI 🤖💡
#limboai #godotengine #Godot4 #gamedev #gameai
Finally written up part 5 of my ongoing thing about making an NPC in #unreal: https://dkesserich.github.io/Blog/2023/08/04/unreal-behavior-trees-pt5.html
#unreal #unrealengine #gamedev #gameai
One of the LimboAI's cool features is a visual debugger for behavior trees. Inspect any behavior tree in a running scene. You can collapse sections of your game's AI that you are not interested in, and leave only those you wish to follow in detail.
LimboAI is a C++ module for Godot 4 that offers a combo of behavior trees and state machines for crafting your game's AI. 🤖💡 It's free and open-source.
Check it out here: https://github.com/limbonaut/limboai
#godotengine #Godot4 #limboai #gameai #gamedev
One of the LimboAI's cool features is a visual debugger for behavior trees. Inspect any behavior tree in a running scene. You can collapse sections of your game's AI that you are not interested in, and leave only those you wish to follow in detail.
LimboAI is a C++ module for Godot 4 that offers a combo of behavior trees and state machines for crafting your game's AI. 🤖💡 It's free and open-source.
Check it out here: https://github.com/limbonaut/limboai
#godotengine #Godot4 #limboai #gameai #gamedev
Ich hab mich schon lange nicht gemeldet. Ich sitze noch immer an der KI und dem grundlegenden System. Meine Test-Ratte hat mittlerweile ein Gedächtnis und kann sich bspw an Futter erinnern, wenn sie Hunger hat und dort hinlaufen und essen :). So weit, so gut.
Ich lege Wert auf "Emergent Gameplay", auch bei der KI. Daher kommt eine Lösung über State Machines etc für mich nicht in Frage. Weil ich dann die States und ggf. Transitions ausdefinieren muss. Denke ich da falsch?
🎉 Good news, everyone! 🎉
Today we release the first public version of LimboAI for Godot 4! 🚀 This awesome C++ module introduces a combo of Behavior Trees and Hierarchical State Machines, enabling the creation of highly sophisticated AI behaviors. Behavior Trees provide a modular and powerful approach to crafting your game's AI. 🤖💡
Best of all, LimboAI is completely free and open-source!
Check it out at https://github.com/limbonaut/limboai
#godotengine #gamedev #gameai #limboai
Part 4 of my ongoing blog/tutorial series about #UnrealEngine Behavior Tree AI is now up: https://dkesserich.github.io/Blog/2023/07/13/unreal-behavior-trees-pt4.html
#unrealengine #gameai #gamedev
Ich bin gerade dabei, ein Bedürfnis System für das ImSim Projekt zu implementieren. Bisher ist Hunger ein Bedürfnis, sowie Sicherheit. Meine Test-Ratte soll später entscheiden, ob es sicher genug ist, das Stück Käse zu futtern.
Ich muss mal gucken, wie sich Ratten so in echt verhalten. Würden sie eher direkt zu einem Menschen laufen und versuchen ihn zu beißen oder eher scheu weglaufen? :D
#godot #Godot4 #imsim #german #gameai #csharp
Part 2 of my Unreal AI blogtorial is up: https://dkesserich.github.io/Blog/2023/06/22/unreal-behavior-trees-pt2.html
It is very annoying that Unreal's AI Perception rotates out of sync with the Pawn unless you make a native subclass and override GetActorEyesViewpoint. And even more annoying that that's not actually in the official documentation anywhere.
DeepMind made its name in games of skill
But now it's turning to a more serious thrill
It's coming up with AI
From the foundations of Computer Science which will
Make far more than just heads roll and kills
#deepmind #ai #computing #gameai #limerick #poetry
#deepmind #ai #computing #gameai #limerick #poetry
Square Enix was fast on the #NLP #AI in games: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2280000/SQUARE_ENIX_AI_Tech_Preview_THE_PORTOPIA_SERIAL_MURDER_CASE/
Kudos for trying but the English support is quite unplayable. Maybe it's different in #Japanese?
They seem to be using this: https://onnxruntime.ai/ and the .onnx model file is just 1.3gb in size (for both languages?).
#nlp #ai #japanese #gamedev #gameai #unity #onnx #machinelearning
Here's a great interview question for new hires in #GameAI. Also great material for any class on the topic. Can you explain why?
RT @MarkRich388@twitter.com
A hilarious takeaway from the simulacra paper: humans judged humans as less believable than the simulated agents.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarkRich388/status/1646919459075129344
AI and Games - Episode 27
"Welcome to the Jungle"
MOBA's and the Future of AI Research
#gamedev #gamedesign #gameai #ai #youtube #votd #gaming
AI and Games - Episode 21
"The Road to War"
The AI of Shogun - @totalwar
#gamedev #gamedesign #gameai #ai #youtube #votd #gaming
AI and Games - Episode 44
"Golden AI"
The AI of GoldenEye 007
#gamedev #gamedesign #gameai #ai #youtube #votd #gaming
AI and Games - Episode 20
"Games by ANGELINA"
The AI game designer!
#gamedev #gamedesign #gameai #ai #youtube #votd #gaming
AI and Games - Episode 55
'Packing Heat to the Beat of BPM - Bullets Per Minute'
#gamedev #gamedesign #gameai #ai #youtube #votd #gaming
AI and Games - Episode 68
'How Gran Turismo's 'Sophy' Actually Works'
#gamedev #gamedesign #gameai #ai #youtube #votd #gaming
AI and Games - Episode 19
"The Lamb of Columbia"
The AI of #BioShock Infinite's Elizabeth
#bioshock #gamedev #gamedesign #gameai #ai #youtube #votd #gaming