Les trouvailles du lundi 07 août 2023 (2) :
#Microsoft #Xbox360 #50CentBloodOnTheSand #SwordfishStudios #THQ #XboxOne #RedDeadRedemption #RockstarSanDiego #RockstarGames #OutlastTrinity #RedBarrels #WarnerBrosGames #SonicForces #SonicForcesEditionBonus #SonicTeam #Sega #TalesOfVesperia #NamcoTalesStudio #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #Trine4TheNightmarePrince #Frozenbyte #ModusGames #Saturn #Grandia #GameArts #EntertainmentSoftwarePublishing #NintendoDS #ProfesseurLaytonEtLAppelDuSpectre #Level5
#microsoft #xbox360 #50centbloodonthesand #swordfishstudios #thq #xboxone #RedDeadRedemption #rockstarsandiego #rockstargames #outlasttrinity #redbarrels #warnerbrosgames #sonicforces #sonicforceseditionbonus #sonicteam #sega #talesofvesperia #namcotalesstudio #bandainamcoentertainment #trine4thenightmareprince #frozenbyte #modusgames #saturn #grandia #gamearts #entertainmentsoftwarepublishing #NintendoDS #professeurlaytonetlappelduspectre #level5
Game Arts
#Sony #PlayStation #PSX #PsOne #gamearts #rpg #jrpg #90s #retro #retrogames #RETROGAMING
#sony #playstation #psx #psone #gamearts #rpg #jrpg #90s #retro #retrogames #retrogaming
By the way, 2 of my (now adult) children started at #ArtCollege (university) this Autumn.
They're at the same uni but doing different courses. It's interesting how different their experiences are so far. One is doing #Illustration, the other #GameArts. The illustration course seems much more heavy and full-on.
They're currently commuting but it's a bit far to be sustainable.
#gamearts #illustration #artcollege
RT @GA_Express: メガドライブミニ2収録へ窪岡先生からすてきなお祝いイラストをいただきました! #sega #メガドラミニ #gamearts #lunar #lunareternalblue https://t.co/uJEA7Fdavt
#lunareternalblue #lunar #gamearts #メガドラミニ #sega
RT @GA_Express@twitter.com
メガドライブミニ2収録へ窪岡先生からすてきなお祝いイラストをいただきました! #sega #メガドラミニ #gamearts #lunar #lunareternalblue
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GA_Express/status/1547925395374505985
#sega #メガドラミニ #gamearts #lunar #lunareternalblue
@kelbot if you like card games, I can also recommend Solitaire Royale by #GameArts for the #MSX.
A completely different game, but perhaps also suitable for the OGO (if it can run an MSX emulator) would be The Witch's Revenge, which is a dice-roller adventure game in the style of #RuneMaster. Gameplay footage by Jorf (starts at 14:24)
Have You Played… Grandia? - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/YH3dbzHeu9g/ #GungHoOnlineEntertainment #FeaturedArticles #HaveYouPlayed #GameArts #feature
#gunghoonlineentertainment #featuredarticles #haveyouplayed #gamearts #feature