Kotaku: Marvel Snap's Most Hated Card Gets Another Huge Change https://kotaku.com/marvel-snap-leader-nerf-update-wolverine-battle-mode-1850054974 #gaming #tech #kotaku #collectiblecardgame #egyptianratscrew #fictionalpeople #gamebalance #marvelsnap #gamedesign #wolverine #cardgames #war
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #collectiblecardgame #egyptianratscrew #fictionalpeople #gamebalance #marvelsnap #gamedesign #wolverine #cardgames #war
#GameBalance: a nerdy fetish or the most basic aesthetic principle? :)
In #gameDesign there are recurring voices against balance (as too emphasized?).
But definitions are key. At G4M, for maximum musical flexibility, we opted in the glossary for one of the broadest: "Game is balanced when it doesn't tend to any single scenario". With this, balance is cool. ;)
But of course that could be taken just as a potential effect of numerical "balance"-proper.
How do YOU understand game balance? :)
Kotaku: Controversial Marvel Snap Card Getting Nerfed, With More Tweaks Coming Later https://kotaku.com/marvel-snap-leader-nerf-change-leaked-patch-notes-2023-1849954315 #gaming #tech #kotaku #egyptianratscrew #unitsoftime #gamebalance #marvelsnap #toyweapons #gamedesign #benbrode #decades #sports #snap #toys #nerf #war
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #egyptianratscrew #unitsoftime #gamebalance #marvelsnap #toyweapons #gamedesign #benbrode #decades #sports #snap #toys #nerf #war
Cracks me up every time that Captain Marvel has a similar amount of hit points as the normal human girl who happens to have a magic staff. Comic books and video games can be hard to reconcile. #midnightsuns #gamebalance