FEED IT SOULS, a metroidvania for the Game Boy Color and Analogue Pocket, is now available to download and play!
Made for the #GBCompo23 game jam, FEED IT SOULS has two difficulty modes to enjoy, optional collectibles and a bonus mode to unlock.
I hope you'll get a kick out of my new game!
#gbcompo23 #gameboy #gbstudio #gamedev #indiedev #retrogames #gbc
My latest little fixit project, an original game boy. Screen cover is scratched and screen has lines in it when running. But it is otherwise in good shape with both sound and games are playable
Aiming to replace screen with backlit IPS one perhaps. Still looking at options!
Start scene of my GBCompo23 entry 👁️🏫
Game starts like this:
Moki, a monster kid, suddenly wakes up and realizes he's almost late for school.
This will be a top down story driven RPG where your choices will matter.
I did not get enough time to do as much as I would, so this jam entry can be seen as chapter 1.
#gbcompo23 #gameboy #gbdev #pixelart #gbstudio #gamedev #indiedev #indiegame #solodev #indiegamedev
#gbcompo23 #gameboy #gbdev #pixelart #gbstudio #gamedev #indiedev #indiegame #solodev #indiegamedev
Ich bin schon sehr enttäuscht von meinem #AnaloguePocket, ich habe bis heute nicht geschafft ein einziges #GameBoy #Game zu starten. Egal wie sehr ich die Sachen Reinige oder was auch immer ich mache, ich bekomme nur einen #Error Screen. Hat vielleicht jemand aus der #Tech
Ecke hier noch eine Idee für mich?
Achja: @ThreeM auch Radieren und 99%ISO hat nicht geholfen.
ich weiß nicht mehr weiter
#repair #löten #Elektrotechnik #fpga #retrogaming #retrogames #nintendo #analogue
#analoguepocket #gameboy #game #error #tech #repair #loten #Elektrotechnik #fpga #retrogaming #retrogames #nintendo #analogue
Needed a break from staring at console output for the emulator project, and #Godot was upset at me for printing too much text, so I made a simple debug GUI and the ability to step through execution.
Advertisement for Pinball Dreams on Game Boy and Super Nintendo from Total! 26 - February 1994 (UK)
With a nice nod to The Who:
This issue can be downloaded here:
#retrogaming #nintendo #gameboy #snes
Review for Kirby's Pinball Land on Game Boy from Total! 26 - February 1994 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
#retrogaming #nintendo #gameboy
Review for F1 Pole Position on Game Boy from Total! 26 - February 1994 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
#retrogaming #nintendo #gameboy
Also want to point out just how great the #Soundtrack is for Mole Mania on #GameBoy. Worth a listen, if you like 8-bit music. #RetroGaming
#soundtrack #gameboy #retrogaming
I had the original Game Boy DMG but not a Game Boy Color. The transparent purple got me nostalgic.
#gaming #retrogaming #emulation #nintendo #gameboy
Is it just me or do all the Farmer fountains in Mole Mania depict him peeing…? #GameBoy #RetroGaming
Surprise Sunday delivery!
Just finished this one up minutes ago, as I've been working on editing this one all weekend long.
Total! 26 - February 1994 (UK) has just been added to the magazine catalogue.
Enjoy! 😙
#shareyourgames #retrogaming #nes #snes #gameboy
El Arte en los Cartuchos de la GAME BOY.
Una #retrogamingbook antología fotográfica y guía básica para adentrarnos en el mundo de los cartuchos sueltos de la #Nintendo #gameboy
#retrogamingbook #nintendo #gameboy
This is the level of nerdity and geekery I love to see out there on the Internet. Excellently done! 👏 #apple #ipad #gameboy #nerd #geek https://www.macstories.net/stories/i-used-a-game-boy-camera-for-facetime-video-calls-in-ipados-17-and-it-was-glorious/
#apple #ipad #gameboy #nerd #geek
A screen from the opening of my GBC metroidvania game FEED IT SOULS using the unlockable 'Redrum' palette.
Releasing in a week for #gbcompo23 game jam.
#gameboy #gbc #homebrew #metroidvania #indiegames #indiedev #gamedev #nintendo #pixelart #gbstudio
#gbcompo23 #gameboy #gbc #homebrew #metroidvania #indiegames #indiedev #gamedev #nintendo #pixelart #gbstudio
I went canoeing today and took my #GameBoy and the #GameBoyCamera with me. Unfortunately I did not check the batteries and they died after the first kilometre already. Beginner's mistake. 😞
#gameboy #gameboycamera #Canoe #Kanu #Braunschweig #Brunswick #Oker
#CommunityShowcase by leina @ GBDev Discord
"Neural network-trained number prediction for GB
dataset - modified MNIST
accuracy - 95% (0 dropout, so overfitted, plus loss of accuracy due to not using 32-bit floats on the GB)
performance - depends on grid spaces filled. This 7 took 2.2 frames"
- arrow - move/loop around grid
- A - select grid tile
- B - deselect grid tile
- Start - predict"
ROM download: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/490065800225488916/1147528665085771886/handwriting.gb
Code repository: https://github.com/leinacc/handwriting
#communityshowcase #gbdev #gameboy
Adventure #Pixel_dailies #pico8 #gameboy #pixelart
#pixel_dailies #pico8 #gameboy #pixelart
New Patreon post: Sample of some of the characters I've designed for Vampire Quest, three party members, one enemy, and a coffin.
I just love the Pocket's "GBC LCD+" screen mode!
(MegaMan World 5 DX).
#analoguepocket #nintendo #gameboy #gbc #retro