People are really enjoying the one-eyed wolf videos I have been putting on Instagram and TikTok - so I compiled some footage of the guy and "his" pack.
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #wolf #wolves #savebcwolves #oneeye #wolfpack
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #wolf #wolves #savebcwolves #oneeye #wolfpack
I've been seeing stuff about that Alaska moose shaking off its antlers as seen on a door cam. Here, a moose tries to shake its remaining antler off while running and it nearly falls down.
#moose #antlers #mooseantlers #trailcam #gamecamera #cameratrap #tech4wildlife #fail #failarmy #animalfails
#moose #antlers #mooseantlers #trailcam #gamecamera #CameraTrap #tech4wildlife #fail #failarmy #animalfails
Where the One-Eyed Wolf is King.
People are into the one-eyed wolf, so I made a "greatest hits" compilation of the dude and his huge pack.
The full video is up on YouTube:
I am sharing the TikTok version here because Mastodon severely restricts the size of videos.
#cameratrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #wolf #wolves #wolfpack #oneeye
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #wolf #wolves #wolfpack #oneeye
Ugly moose competition - contestant 1.
As previously noted, moose seem to have a rough winter last year - as have the grizzlies. I am looking into possible reasons.
#cameratrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #moose #ugliestmoose #uglyanimals
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #moose #ugliestmoose #uglyanimals
Follow the leader.
#cameratrap #gamecamera #trailcam #wolves #wolfpack #savebcwolves #tech4wildlife
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #wolves #wolfpack #savebcwolves #tech4wildlife
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #moose #moosecalf #highjump
Yes, thirsty moose eat snow to quench their thirst - but do they get brain freeze?
#moose #brainfreeze #cameratrap #trailcam #gamecamera #tech4wildlife #winterwalk
#moose #brainfreeze #CameraTrap #trailcam #gamecamera #tech4wildlife #winterwalk
The one-of-a-kind gait of the wolverine.
#cameratrap #trailcam #gamecamera #tech4wildlife #wolverine
#CameraTrap #trailcam #gamecamera #tech4wildlife #wolverine
POV - you are a moose and death is coming for you
#wolves #wolfpack #onthehunt #gamecamera #trailcam #cameratrap #tech4wildlife #savebcwolves
#wolves #wolfpack #onthehunt #gamecamera #trailcam #CameraTrap #tech4wildlife #savebcwolves
One of a kind? I have only ever seen one moose with antlers like this in each of the last two years - probably the same moose. Is antler growth form individually repeatable like this? Is it determined by genetic differences? Will his sons have similarly long tines?
#cameratrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #moose #bullmoose #antlers
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #moose #bullmoose #antlers
Morning commute
#trailcam #gamecamera #cameratrap #tech4wildlife #wolves #wolfpack #savebcwolves
#trailcam #gamecamera #CameraTrap #tech4wildlife #wolves #wolfpack #savebcwolves
Yesterday I needed to look up something I put in my game camera blog from a long time ago and I realized the illustrations I programmed were quite neat!
I intended to keep writing more posts but I got frustrated about something with camera coding in Pokemon GO at the time
I kind of want to turn the illustration tool into a paint program now :) Maybe I should look up the unpublished posts and publish them too..
Big claws, big nose, tiny eyes
Bears "see" the world with their nose and ears, not ao much with their eyes.
#cameratrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #grizzly #brownbear #grizzlybear #bear
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #grizzly #brownbear #grizzlybear #bear
Old warrior.
Several moose this last year looked really beat up, which was also true of some of the other animals. It seems to have been a difficult winter for many. Even though this moose looks pretty messed up, there were others that were worse. Stay tuned for more
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #moose
Many animals leave scent messages on bear-rubbing trees.
#cameratrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #wolverine #texting
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #wolverine #texting
When you just gotta scratch.
My camera trap stuff appears on TikTok (@cameratrapclassics), IG (@hendryandrew), and Twitter (@ecoevoevoeco)
#cameratrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #grizzly #brownbear #grizzlybear #bear
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #grizzly #brownbear #grizzlybear #bear
Where the one-eyed wolf is king (sound on)
Let's start the new camera trap season here. This one-eyed wolf has been a part of the pack for years. It wasn't clear to us that he was the dominant male until we watched this interaction. It is also interesting to see how the 2nd wolf shifts within seconds from submission to opportunity and back again.
#cameratrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #wolves #alphamale
#CameraTrap #gamecamera #trailcam #tech4wildlife #wolves #alphamale