Something went weird with Spotify and instead of playing what I wanted, it played the newest episode of my show for me.

And upon second listen to it, this episode is great! There are some real bangers here, like the long version of Las Vegas from . Also stuff from and and other games.

#topgear #earthbound #streetfighter #videogamemusic #vgm #vgmpodcast #gamemusicpodcast #gamemusic #Videogames

Last updated 2 years ago

For my next episode, I'm leaning towards "Playing With Power", although I've also thought about "Chilly McFreeze IV" or "Cool Glasses, Cool Glasses".

I'm intentionally not explaining what those episodes would be like, although you may be able to guess.

Any opinions are welcome.

#vgm #gamemusicpodcast #gamemusic #Podcast #mastodondoesntdopolls #youdonthavetopayeightbucks #tohaveavalidopinion

Last updated 2 years ago

Tomorrow morning there's gonna be a new HOLIDAY episode of Shujin Academy VGM Club! Look for it on Spotify or Apple or wherever you get your podcasts!

#vgm #videogamemusic #vgmpodcast #gamemusic #gamemusicpodcast #shujinacademyvgmclub

Last updated 2 years ago