Decided for the first time in probably ten years to buy a book to read and what better than #gameofthones since alot of people say the books are really good wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be at cheapish 22$.
#gameofthones #oldschool #ReadABook
No one asked...
#noOneAsked #starwars #gameofthones #BobaFett #cersielannister
#nooneasked #starwars #gameofthones #BobaFett #cersielannister
Today is the last day for Hugo nominations. Is it the last day I will promote Management Lessons from Game of Thrones? Is it heck: #gameofthones #houseofthedragon #hugoawards #worldcon #chemgdu
#gameofthones #HouseoftheDragon #hugoawards #worldcon #chemgdu
๐ธ: @nikydeejay ๐Milano, Lombardia, ๐ฎ๐น ________________________________ #shotzdelight #theimaged #illgrammers #megaphotographer #killerselects #urbanromantix #agameofthones #gameofthones #folkcreative #way2ill #wizardoftones #imaginatones #mkexplore #fatalframes #ourmoodydays #moodygrams #headedtones #grittyside #streetshared #street_ninjas #darkmobs #shotsdelight #cityofbokeh #shotoniphone #streetninjas #scatto_street #citykillerz #bokehkillerz #bokeh_shotz #ig_italia
#shotzdelight #theimaged #illgrammers #megaphotographer #killerselects #urbanromantix #agameofthones #gameofthones #folkcreative #way2ill #wizardoftones #imaginatones #mkexplore #fatalframes #ourmoodydays #moodygrams #headedtones #grittyside #streetshared #street_ninjas #darkmobs #shotsdelight #cityofbokeh #ShotoniPhone #streetninjas #scatto_street #citykillerz #bokehkillerz #bokeh_shotz #ig_italia
I'm really taking to Fire & Blood, even it's more mundane chapters. I've come to realise it very much like the ASOIAF world, but this is just giving me big helpings of lore and world building that I like. I did like the main books but after 600th lengthy Sansa chapter you start to tap out a bit. #asoiaf #gameofthones #fireandblood
#asoiaf #gameofthones #fireandblood
Reading Fire & Blood at the mo, did a big old guffaw when I read that last line. Absolutely savage put down from Rogar Baratheon. #gameofthones #books
Beautiful #northumberland. This is my favourite walk on #planetearth. This was the inspiration for Eastwatch by the sea #gameofthones fans. The village of #Craster is at the other side of the castle. #dunstanburghcastle #newtonbythesea #dailypic
#dailypic #newtonbythesea #dunstanburghcastle #craster #gameofthones #planetearth #northumberland
#comicbooks #superheroes #lordoftherings #musicals #Lost #addamsfamily #TheMunsters #ParksandRecreation #Themightyboosh #TWD #Thewalkingdead #gameofthones #houseofthedragon
#comicbooks #superheroes #lordoftherings #musicals #lost #addamsfamily #TheMunsters #ParksandRecreation #Themightyboosh #TWD #Thewalkingdead #gameofthones #houseofthedragon
fรฃs de #heartstopper #bts #zaynmalik #gameofthones #houseofthedragon #asoiaf #strangerthings #louistomlinson #lanadelrey me sigam ๐ซ
#lanadelrey #louistomlinson #strangerthings #asoiaf #HouseoftheDragon #gameofthones #ZaynMalik #bts #heartstopper
Pessoas que gostam de #hotd #houseofthedragon #gameofthones #bts me sigam !!!
#bts #gameofthones #HouseoftheDragon #hotd
A few old Game of Thrones drawings #gameofthones #drawing #DigitalArt #FanArt
#FanArt #DigitalArt #drawing #gameofthones
#gameofthones saison 8, ou comment finir une serie comme de la pisse... :kenny:
Direi che lโepisodio 3 di #GameofThones ha ampiamente ripagato le attese in quanto a suspense e azione. 80 minuti incollato al televisore. #NotToday #BattleOfWinterfell
#battleofwinterfell #nottoday #gameofthones
ืื ื ืืขืืืฃ ืืช ืืืืืื ืฉื ืืกืคืจืื ืืืชืจ ืืืช ืฉื ืืกืืจื. ืืืืข ืืืื ืืงืจืื ืืืชื... #GameOfThones