I submitted a PR to update the MacPort for GameofTrees (Got) to version 0.90 since the -portable release came out today:
It passed the build bot/CI checks.
I don't have commit access, so it's up to someone else to merge it.
#GameofTrees #Got #MacPorts #OpenSource #VersionControl #Git
#gameoftrees #got #macports #opensource #versioncontrol #git
Game of Trees (Got) version 0.90 has been released!
The CHANGES may be read here for those who don't want the undeadly story version with links to the pertinent man page entries:
I'll be keeping an eye out for the -portable release and updating the MacPort Portfile when that is available (there were some Sparc specific fixes recently as well if I recall the mailing list traffic correctly).
#gameoftrees #got #openbsd #opensource #versioncontrol #git
I submitted a PR to update Got (GameofTrees) in MacPorts to version 0.89 here:
CI/build bot checks passed OK!
It's up to someone else to merge it.
#Got #GameofTrees #MacPorts #VersionControl #OpenSource #Git
#got #gameoftrees #macports #versioncontrol #opensource #git
Got (GameofTrees) 0.88 -portable released (2023-05-02) as anticipated.
PR submitted to update the MacPort here:
CI/Build bot checks passed!
It's up to someone else to merge it.
#Got #GameofTrees #MacPorts #versioncontrol #git #OpenSource
#got #gameoftrees #macports #versioncontrol #git #opensource
Got (GameofTrees) 0.88 has been released!
Just the OpenBSD port for now, the -portable release is still at 0.87 and I'll be updating the MacPort once that is updated too.
* got 0.88; 2023-04-29
see git repository history for per-change authorship information
- tog: always use alternate charset for vertical/horizontal line
- several tog regression test suite improvements
- run the tog tests as part of the default regress set
- tog: resize log view if toggling fullscreen from child view
- when finding changed paths iterate tree entries in on-disk order for speed
- cache fulltext data in delta cache to improve speed with long delta chains
- gotwebd: fix logic error in gotweb_render_index
#got #gameoftrees #openbsd #git #versioncontrol #opensource
@chakuari @ParadeGrotesque git is hard to use because it is a deep and roiling ocean of features and lends itself to oddly shaped branch histories. On openbsd you will use #cvs (lol) er, #got #gameOfTrees which also uses a bare git as its archive format but works in a lean and clean way, as well as helpfully printing
now shut up and hack
when you check out.
Using got (Game of Trees) to fetch pkgsrc-wip...
~ $ got clone git://wip.pkgsrc.org/pkgsrc-wip.git wip
Connecting to git://wip.pkgsrc.org/pkgsrc-wip.git
server: Enumerating objects: 523046, done.
server: Counting objects: 100% (523046/523046), done.
server: Compressing objects: 100% (236581/236581), done.
server: Total 523046 (delta 289449), reused 507616 (delta 275172), pack-reused 0
418M fetched; indexing 100%; resolving deltas 100%
Thanks once again to Herby Gillot, the PRs I submitted last night for got 0.84.1 and snac 2.23 have been merged and should be available via MacPorts.
#MacPorts #gameoftrees #got #snac #versioncontrol #ActivityPub #opensource #OpenBSD
#macports #gameoftrees #got #SNAC #versioncontrol #activitypub #opensource #openbsd
"Livecheck error
Error: cannot check if got was updated (Operation too slow. Less than 1024 bytes/sec transferred the last 60 seconds)
last updated: 1 day, 1 hour ago"
From: https://ports.macports.org/port/got/details/
However, have no fear!
Even though something is off with MacPorts' livecheck, I have submitted a PR to update got to the -portable branch's version 0.84.1.
CI build bot checks passed, up to someone else to merge.
#got #gameoftrees #macports #openbsd #versioncontrol #git
OK, gameoftrees.org website stopped 503ing eventually.
got 0.84 portable released!
undeadly.org story published:
MacPorts PR submitted, CI build bot checks look OK:
(It's up to someone else with commit access to merge it.)
#got #gameoftrees #git #versioncontrol #OpenBSD #MacPorts #undeadly
#got #gameoftrees #git #versioncontrol #openbsd #macports #undeadly
Game of Trees Daemon - video and slides https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20230210065830 #OpenBSD #got #git #gameoftrees
#openbsd #got #git #gameoftrees
The website for gameoftrees now has a bit of animation and IMHO, is very cute.
#got #git #gameoftrees #versioncontrol
With thanks, yet again, to Herby Gillot for merging that PR, #got 0.82 is now available in #MacPorts.
#got #macports #gameoftrees #git #versioncontrol
Game of Trees 0.82 released. https://www.undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20230124083238 #openbsd #got #gameoftrees #git #versioncontrol
#openbsd #got #gameoftrees #git #versioncontrol
I published a story to undeadly about Game of Trees 0.82 being released:
I also submitted a PR to update #MacPorts' #got to version 0.82:
(I do not have commit privileges, so it's up to others to review & merge that)
#macports #got #gameoftrees #git #openbsd #undeadly
Yay, someone else updated undeadly with the #gameoftrees news!
Thanks to Haren S, the PR I submitted to update #MacPorts version of #got to 0.81 has been merged as well!
Note: this is from the -portable release so, for all the coolest features as mentioned elsewhere, you're still best off with #OpenBSD and installing got from ports.
#gameoftrees #macports #got #openbsd #git #development #versioncontrol
Game of Trees milestone https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20230120073530 #openbsd #got #git #gameoftrees
#openbsd #got #git #gameoftrees
OK, cleaned up the #gameoftrees 0.80 release submission and published it to undeadly:
#gameoftrees #got #git #openbsd
Game of Trees 0.80 released!
Release notes here:
I submitted a story to undeadly but won't have time to tweak it until much later so other editors are welcome to polish it if they see this.
Also no 0.80 portable release yet so I won't be updating the MacPort yet either.
Cloning ports.git from gotd over and over just because I cannot believe it's actually working now with per-session fork+exec and neatly separated pledge promises across 6 different types of processes :flan_worried: #gameoftrees