01 Net: iOS 17 pourrait donner un coup de fouet aux jeux https://www.01net.com/actualites/ios-17-pourrait-donner-un-coup-de-fouet-aux-jeux-video.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #GamePortingToolkit #Applis,Logiciels #MacOsSonoma #Gaming #iOS17
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #gameportingtoolkit #Applis #macossonoma #Gaming #ios17
Ich habe da Game Porting Toolkit ausprobiert, kam aber nicht sehr weit…
#macos #gameportingtoolkit #anno1800
Steam verbessert die macOS-Performance durch Hardware-Beschleunigung
Steam, eine populäre Spieleplattform, hat einen bedeutenden Schritt zur Verbesserung der Leistung auf macOS unternommen. Nach einer kürzlichen Ankündig
#News #InGameOverlay #WindowsSpiele #Apple #GamePortingToolkit #Update #Steam #macOS #MacOSSonoma #HardwareBeschleunigung #Spieleplattform #PerformanceVerbesserung
#News #ingameoverlay #windowsspiele #Apple #gameportingtoolkit #update #steam #macos #macossonoma #hardwarebeschleunigung #spieleplattform #performanceverbesserung
@film_girl Great insights on the potential and challenges for ’s #GamePortingToolkit.
The one game I enjoy playing (#citiesskylines ) has a sequel pending initially with Windows and console support. I hope the timing of the toolkit means they consider porting to #macos and #SteamDeck. My M1 Max MBP is ready!
#macos #SteamDeck #citiesskylines #gameportingtoolkit
Hey techies! 🎮 Apple's Game Porting Toolkit promises a better Mac gaming experience! How excited are you? #MacGaming #GamePortingToolkit #LinusTechTips
#macgaming #gameportingtoolkit #linustechtips
Il Game Porting Toolkit di macOS 14 Sonoma trasforma i Mac in PC di gaming
#MacEPC #GamePortingToolkit #gaming #Macos14
#macepc #gameportingtoolkit #gaming #macos14
Kotaku: Whoopi Goldberg Calls Out Diablo IV For Not Being On Mac, But Fans Have A Fix https://kotaku.com/diablo-4-iv-for-mac-whoopi-goldberg-upset-blizzard-port-1850519443 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogameswithisometricgraphics #roleplayingvideogames #blizzardentertainment #technology2cinternet #videogamecompanies #gameportingtoolkit #whoopigoldberg #blizzardgames #rodfergusson #windowsgames #videogaming #theodorerex #videogames #macgaming #battlenet #diabloiv #blizzcon #meganfox #diablo #macos
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogameswithisometricgraphics #roleplayingvideogames #blizzardentertainment #technology2cinternet #videogamecompanies #gameportingtoolkit #whoopigoldberg #blizzardgames #rodfergusson #windowsgames #videogaming #theodorerex #videogames #macgaming #battlenet #DiabloIV #blizzcon #meganfox #diablo #macos
Apple ha portato i giochi di Windows su Mac [VIDEO]
#Apple #macOS #Windows #giochi #videogames #GamePortingToolkit
#apple #macos #windows #giochi #videogames #gameportingtoolkit
#Windows kann endgültig einpacken. #Unix hat gewonnen.
#Apple #WWDC #WWDC23 #WWDC2023 #DX12 #Metal #MacGaming #Gaming #macOS #GamePortingToolKit #WINE #Crossover
#crossover #wine #gameportingtoolkit #macos #gaming #macgaming #metal #dx12 #wwdc2023 #wwdc23 #wwdc #apple #unix #windows