If you are an author | editor in the field of digital #gamestudies | digital #gameresearch | digital #gamedesign studies and want to talk about your latest publication, please don't hesitate to contact me!
>> I am constantly looking for #podcast #interview partners for the New Books Network.
#gamestudies #gameresearch #gamedesign #podcast #interview
🔬 Study:
'A Smartphone App for Promoting Mental Well-being and Awareness of Anxious Symptoms in Adolescents: A Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial'
⭐ Conclusions:
App increased awarenes of anxious symptoms but did not show effectiveness in increasing "Sharing, Mind, and Enjoyment" behaviors.
🌐 Free access through Dec 19:
#gameresearch #research #mentalhealth
Do YOU want to be the next one?
Please DM me!
More info right here:
#gamestudies #gamedesign #gameresearch #podcast #letstalk
RT @CoEGameCult@twitter.com
The CfP for Monstrosity, the 2021 Tampere University Game Research Lab spring seminar is now online: https://springseminar.org/call-for-papers
The free of charge seminar will be organised online 20-22 April, 2021. Early career researchers welcome! #monstrosity21 #gamestudies #gameresearch
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CoEGameCult/status/1325761155902697473
#monstrosity21 #gamestudies #gameresearch
RT @seb_o_mat@twitter.com
12 PhD positions in game research available in the UK #gameresearch #gamestudies https://twitter.com/dingstweets/status/1323272896475762688
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/seb_o_mat/status/1324369658875699200