The first video from LTT since the crisis has just aired.
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #Madison #suop #suuuoppp #eink #monitor
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #madison #suop #suuuoppp #eink #monitor
So a few days ago there was some outfall between #GamersNexus and #LTT about test methods and behaviour. Also other things. LTT took a break. Now they've started to put out videos again but I just can't bring myself to watch those any more. Especially since there have some more things been brought to light. So I unsubscribed from all LTT channels. Why do they always fall after they get big? It's a shame.
And we have a new video from Linus:
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #Madison #suop #suuuoppp
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #madison #suop #suuuoppp
Something has felt off for quite some time.
Linus Tech Tips pauses production as controversy swirls
#linusmediagroup #youtube #gamersnexus #technews
#Linus went from “We won’t talk about it in WAN show” to a full 20+min apology video.
Terren didn’t feel honest to me. It looked as if he’s reading stuff out loud from a page which he’s seeing for the first time.
An apology video filled with jokes, sponsors and upcoming merch ads😒
Btw. Madisson tweeted her experience working at #LMG and it is painful. No wonder NDA was signed.
I mean sexual harassment 😵 Holy shit!
#linus #lmg #youtube #gamersnexus #controversy
The most fun thing that I‘ve seen this week
#linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #youtube
#linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #youtube
Gizmodo: The Worst YouTube Apology Videos of All Time #entertainmentculture #internetcelebrity #colleenballinger #socialinfluence #beautyyoutuber #siennamaegomez #tanaconmongaeu #linussebastian #voguemagazine #madisonreeve #mirandasings #trishapaytas #jamescharles #domzeglaitis #gamersnexus #jamesstrieb #shanedawson #georgefloyd #gabbiehanna #socialmedia #daviddobrik #jeffreestar #tanamongeau #jessismiles #terrentong
#entertainmentculture #internetcelebrity #colleenballinger #socialinfluence #beautyyoutuber #siennamaegomez #tanaconmongaeu #linussebastian #voguemagazine #madisonreeve #mirandasings #trishapaytas #jamescharles #domzeglaitis #gamersnexus #jamesstrieb #shanedawson #georgefloyd #gabbiehanna #socialmedia #daviddobrik #jeffreestar #tanamongeau #jessismiles #terrentong
i watched the #GamersNexus video about #LinusTechTips, then their follow-up video on linus’ written response, and just now watched the LMG apology video.
and then, i read former employee madison’s exposé thread on twitter/X. it’s incredibly damning, and i’m already seeing “she’s just a whiny, disgruntled employee” comments on the fediverse, which is a shameful way to react to allegations like this.
i have unsubbed from #LTT. not worth much, but i won’t support them anymore.
#gamersnexus #linustechtips #ltt
La tempête de 💩 qui s’abat sur #LTT et #Linus est mérité. Au delà des nombreuses anomalies relevées par #GamersNexus, Le témoignage de Madison ( fait particulièrement froid dans le dos. Mépris, manipulation, misogynie, harcèlement sexuel, charge de travail absurde, sabotage et micro management... Leur stratégie c'est de produire toujours plus au mépris de la dignité et de la santé des employés et ce n'est pas leur petite vidéo "What do we do now?" qui va me convaincre du contraire.
Linus Tech Tips Apologizes, Pauses Video Uploads to Make Changes
Linus Tech Tips has faced controversy over the accuracy of some of their videos. They have since apologized and vowed changes.
For more than a decade, Linus Tech Tips has been creating YouTube videos that both entertain and educate in the world of technology.
#Technology #GamersNexus #LinusTechTips #socialmedia #YouTube
#youtube #socialmedia #linustechtips #gamersnexus #technology
Anyone else checking #LMG's website for new PR roles?
#lmg #linustechtips #ltt #gamersnexus
@Natanox Oh...
I didn't even know if that came out, but that seems in line with #GamersNexus' observations about them cozying up with tech companies
Ex-LTT employee Madison speaks out:
Thoughts on the #LinusTechTips - #GamersNexus „drama“.
I'm with Linus on the wrong specs shown in a video. 1MB more or less CPU Cache shown on screen while the conclusion is drawn because of intensive testing, is not great, but not a dealbreaker.
It is a dealbreaker when the testing is done wrong and conclusions are drawn.
The Billet Labs thing and the reaction from Linus is just disgusting. I won't subscribe to his channels until this is properly resolved.
#linustechtips #gamersnexus #ltt #gn #billetlabs #drama
Just posting some #gamersnexus appreciation for some of their other content, I remember first seeing this one when it came out and laughing out loud at the first two minutes. Wendell is another great tech youtuber I definitely recommend!
Well, the #gamersnexus vs #ltt #linustechtips debacle has actually gotten worse. Linus' forum post suggested that they had already agreed to compensate Billet Labs, in fact when I read that I assumed it was a thing of the past, as far as compensation talks was going, but no they contacted Billet Labs AFTER the original GN video, and Billet Labs had yet to agree to anything. Linus seemingly meant that he had agreed with himself to compensate them. After they got pressed
#gamersnexus #ltt #linustechtips
Gonna age myself a bit with this statement, but I'm old enough to remember when #GamersNexus and #LinusTechTips were friends.
#ltt #gaming #technology #youtube #tech #linustechtips #gamersnexus
It seems like the GN's video did have an effect on LTT's viewership. I know that AMD Ultimate Tech Upgrade will get more views than a Why is Everyone buying this *. But, 350K views is still low, even a day later.