I'm very excited to present our full agenda for our GamesBeat Summit 2023 event on May 22-23 at the Marina del Rey Marriott in Los Angeles. #GamesBeatSummit2023 #GBSummit #TheDeanBeat https://venturebeat.com/games/gamesbeat-summit-2023-exploring-gamings-next-level-with-116-speakers-the-deanbeat/ #press
#gamesbeatsummit2023 #gbsummit #thedeanbeat #press
Our GamesBeat Summit 2023 event on May 22-23 in person in Los Angeles (and online on the 24th) will feature our sixth Women in Gaming Breakfast. #GamesBeatSummit2023 #GBSummit #WomenInGaming https://venturebeat.com/gaming-business/gamesbeat-summit-2023-features-our-6th-women-in-gaming-breakfast/ #press
#gamesbeatsummit2023 #gbsummit #womeningaming #press