¿Estáis disfrutando de otro de esos sábados en los que caduca un embargo y de repente los famosillos de siempre os enseñan sus muñecos gratis? Ah no, que aquí solo hay gente normal.
PSA: No vayáis a Instagram si no queréis toda esa publicidad gratuita. #PaintingMiniatures #GamesCorporation #FreeToys
#paintingminiatures #gamescorporation #freetoys
Summer reading #OrcsInSpace #Waaargh #Orks
Instead of paying 350€ for a used copy, I made this from a PDF. Sue me, #GamesCorporation.
#orcsinspace #waaargh #orks #gamescorporation
Gutterbowl box is a limited print. Again. The #GamesCorporation trusts FOMO to sell out.
So we should make our own pitches and scenery, grab a rules scan and play without giving them another €.
What do you think?
#gamescorporation #bloodbowl #gutterbowl #ontheball
Fan made Warhammer armies project got a C&D from GW, probably related to imminent TOW announcement 1st of July.
You've got until friday to download all the army books and rules before they disappear forever:
http:// warhammerarmiesproject.blogspot.com
#GamesCorporation #Warhammer #FantasyBattles
Quote from WAP's discord message in the next toots.
#gamescorporation #warhammer #fantasybattles
The #GamesCorporation charging 24€ for the blood bowl team cards? Sorry but no, thanks. I’ll make my own , you bastards.
I’ve heard that GW’s European Sales Division has moved to Barcelona recently. Someone please explain to the brits what a balcony is and how to use it before someone gets hurt. #GamesCorporation #SafetyFirst
#gamescorporation #safetyfirst
GW. March 2023 - April 2023.
#GamesCorporation #Hypocrites #LateStageCapitalism
#gamescorporation #hypocrites #latestagecapitalism