Buongiorno! Torno a postare su LS un'altra stranezza per Ps2: #AkiraPsychoBall, l'unico gioco che sia mai stato dedicato al manga di Katsuhiro Otomo. Ed è un pinball simulator, anche un bel pinball simulator grazie a un ottimo design dei tavoli e una fisica della pallina quasi perfetta. Ma è pur sempre l'unico gioco dedicato ad #Akira, punto su cui voglio insistere. #gamesofthe90s
#AkiraPsychoBall #akira #gamesofthe90s
Jappofestosità, spari a tutto spiano e la mia Croc cinese
#GungraveOverdose #gamesofthe90s
#GungraveOverdose #gamesofthe90s
Povero gabbiano, già massacrato nella prima stanza
The big bang! #GamePro cover from June 1995 when the #fifthgeneration of consoles was making its way into stores and homes, and machines like #Playstation and #SegaSaturn were increasingly more popular thanks to new technologies like 3D graphics and the cd drive. Others like the #AtariJaguar and the #3DO stood back unsuccessfully, but it's certain that those years were great. #Retromagazine #thebigbang #retrogame #90s #gamesofthe90s
#GamePro #fifthgeneration #Playstation #SegaSaturn #AtariJaguar #3DO #Retromagazine #thebigbang #retrogame #90s #gamesofthe90s
A midweek free afternoon is perfect for a run on #Robotron64, the #Nintendo64 port of #RobotronX, remake of the #Midway's Golden Age classic #Robotron2084. You are a mutant scientist and you must save humanity by killing robots on the #N64, can life be any better? #gamesofthe90s
#Robotron64 #Nintendo64 #RobotronX #Midway #Robotron2084 #N64 #gamesofthe90s