I'm 90% ready for #GamesOnDemand at #BigBadCon
I'm offering two #ttrpg sessions, each featuring either #PsiRun or #FateRPG
What are you playing / running?
#gamesondemand #BigBadCon #ttrpg #PsiRun #faterpg
@apontious I'd recommend looking for online #TTRPG gaming communities that regularly play indie games.
Off the top of my head...
Open Hearth Gaming Community #OpenHearthGaming
Games On Demand: #GamesOnDemand
Happy Jacks RPG Network: #HappyJacksRPG
Magpie Games: #MagpieGames
There are a LOT of people playing non-D&D RPGs, but they mostly don't hang out in D&D circles.
Wishing you good luck!
#happyjacksrpg #ttrpg #openhearthgaming #gamesondemand #magpiegames
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 11: "Weirdest game you've played"
The two that come to mind are both #GenCon #GamesOnDemand sessions of #ApocalypseWorld; there’s something about a group of often strangers getting together and then playing characters in a post-apocalyptic world. Exploring the ideas of community and scarcity with the Psychic Maelstrom churning in the background.
#rpgaday2023 #GenCon #gamesondemand #apocalypseworld #ttrpg #rpg #pbta
Got almost everything lined up for #BigBadCon!
Con badge, flights, hotel and submissions!
First time to this con. I'm running two sessions with #GamesonDemand:
- The H.A.D.E.S. Project (Psi*Run) #superheroes
- Escape from The Hive (#FateRPG) #scifi #pulp
- A Wish Gone Wrong (Fate #ttrpg) #zany
Now, time to print handouts!
Looking forward to meet folks, attend panels, and play a few other #ttrpgs !
#BigBadCon #gamesondemand #superheroes #faterpg #scifi #pulp #ttrpg #zany #ttrpgs
Our ticket sales open on Saturday 29th April @ 8PM BST.
Also known as 26 days away, or 25 sleeps if you're like our Gemma.
#TTS2023 #BoardGames #RPGs #TTRPGs #DnD #DnD5e #RPGLifeUK #Pathfinder #GamesOnDemand
#gamesondemand #pathfinder #RPGLifeUK #dnd5e #dnd #ttrpgs #rpgs #boardgames #tts2023
I'm an indie #storygame #ttrpg and #larp facilitator, player, and designer from the Midwest, USA. I strongly support #DEI. Pronouns he/him/his.
#AquaVertigo game studio
#GamesOnDemand #CorridorGamesOnDemand #Gamicon #ForgeMidwest #Origins
Familiar Game Systems: #cortex #pbta #fate #otherkind #paragon #genesys #fitd #bob
#otherkind #introduction #storygame #ttrpg #larp #dei #aquavertigo #gamesondemand #corridorgamesondemand #gamicon #forgemidwest #origins #cortex #pbta #fate #paragon #Genesys #fitd #bob