You can make trade-offs to save money or money can be the trade-off. The OLED Flex does everything you could want a display to do, but at a cost.
#GamesOpinion #LGOLEDFlex #OLEDMonitors #OLEDTVs #Curvedscreens #GamingTVs
#gamesopinion #lgoledflex #oledmonitors #oledtvs #curvedscreens #gamingtvs
I’ve tried my best to not raise a gamer, simply because of my love of video games. And yet, Mario transcends all.
#GamesOpinion #TheSuperMarioBros.Movie #nintendo #SuperMarioBros
#gamesopinion #thesupermariobros #nintendo #supermariobros
No drawn-out preview cycle. Virtually zero marketing. Just a cool-looking game, executed well, with word of mouth doing the rest.
#GamesOpinion #Hi-FiRush
CD Projekt RED has patched 'Cyberpunk 2077' many times, and yet, I couldn't help but keep avoiding the city it's set in.
#GamesOpinion #Daddy'sDayOff #Cyberpunk2077 #OpenWorldGames
#gamesopinion #daddy #cyberpunk2077 #OpenWorldGames
The themes and mechanics are still there in places, but nothing has come close to the bleak religious survival horror of From's 2009 masterpiece.
#GamesOpinion #FromSoftware #EldenRing #Demon'sSouls #Soulslike #SilentHill #rosemary'sbaby #SurvivalHorror
#gamesopinion #fromsoftware #eldenring #demon #soulslike #silenthill #rosemary #survivalhorror