What to make of 10 hours with a video game that had performance issues, only to have many of those issues disappear right before release? A conundrum.
#GamesReviews #StarWars #StarWarsJediSurvivor #ElectronicArts
#gamesreviews #starwars #starwarsjedisurvivor #electronicarts
'Otxo' is a twin-stick shooter about revenge and expertly choreographed, improvisational violence.
'Everspace 2' manages to meld two radically different modes of combat, becoming one of the best space shooters in years.
What could be more Western Front than a game that opens with some strong ideas and tons of promise, but loses momentum late in the game?
#GamesReviews #TheGreatWar:WesternFront #PetroglyphGames #WorldWarI
#gamesreviews #thegreatwar #petroglyphgames #worldwari
What is Metroid, if not asking the player to take a leap of faith on themselves? A game about tension and isolation has maintained that feeling.
#GamesReviews #nintendo #Switch #NintendoSwitch #Metroid #MetroidPrime
#gamesreviews #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch #metroid #metroidprime
The original Resident Evil 4 had a chaotic energy that was hard to pin down, but the remake gets it—and embraces it.
#GamesReviews #residentevil #ResidentEvil4 #capcom
#gamesreviews #residentevil #residentevil4 #capcom
Some excellent ideas for improving The Irish Times from Third Class in St Brigid's school in Coolmine. nb, there is a wealth of really good graphic novelists in Ireland - give them some work and give us some meaty reading @irishtimes #GamesReviews #Puzzles #Comics
#gamesreviews #puzzles #comics
'Phantom Brigade' shines with its unique, physics driven mech tactics, and exceptional build customization.
A great new setting and a classic, durable RTS design are let down but an ambitious but underwhelming campaign.
The Yakuza formula may be simple, but this Meiji-era remake shows that its ingredient ratios are delicate.
#GamesReviews #LikeaDragon:Ishin #judgment #RyuGaGotoku
#gamesreviews #likeadragon #judgment #ryugagotoku
Despite its egregious technical performance, when everything is working 'Wild Hearts' creates a uniquely cohesive monster hunting experience.
Sony's produced the slickest virtual reality headset yet, but outside of the standout 'Horizon,' it's full of old games.
#GamesReviews #virtualreality #vr #Playstation #PlaystationVR #PlayStationVR2 #Playstation5
#gamesreviews #VirtualReality #vr #playstation #playstationvr #playstationvr2 #playstation5
What's old is new again, and in this case, it's the formative space horror game getting a new, extremely good looking lease on life. Welcome back.
#GamesReviews #deadspace #ElectronicArts #HorrorGames #HORROR
#gamesreviews #deadspace #electronicarts #horrorgames #horror
'SEASON: A letter to the future' is a masterful meditation on history and memory.
'Engage' fails to build a meaningful narrative, but succeeds in pushing the series' tactics to the next level
Crysis obchodzi dzisiaj 15 urodziny! Wspaniała gra, dla której złożyłem z pomocą internautów nieistniejącego już forum swojego pierwszego peceta!
Tutaj znajdziecie moją recenzję zremasterowanej wersji na Xboxa!
▶️ https://pograne.eu/crysis-remastered-recenzja-xss/
#games #gry #GryVideo #GryKomputerowe #GamesMedia #GamesReviews
#gamesreviews #gamesmedia #grykomputerowe #gryvideo #gry #games
Coś tam piszę... od ponad dekady.
Kiedyś Gildia.pl, Antyweb.pl (w międzyczasie milion innych mniejszych-większych projektów), a obecnie naczelny Pograne.eu :)
#games #gry #GryVideo #GryKomputerowe #IndieGames #GamesMedia #PolishGameDev #GamesReviews
#gamesreviews #polishgamedev #gamesmedia #indiegames #grykomputerowe #gryvideo #gry #games
Sporo 🎮 giereczkowych osób już jest na Masto, i coraz więcej będzie dołączać. Ułatwmy sobie znalezienie się nawzajem - dajcie znać w odpowiedziach kogo tootającego o #VideoGames lub #GameDev warto obserwować (w szczególności polskojęzyczne konta, ale nie tylko)
A jeśli to Ty piszesz albo robisz video o grach, lub robisz gry - to jest super miejsce na autopromocję 🦸
Możesz tez 🔁 podać dalej tego posta, żeby dotarł do wszystkich zakamarków Mastodona.
#games #gry #GryVideo #GryKomputerowe #IndieGames #GamesMedia #PolishGameDev #GamesReviews
#gamesreviews #polishgamedev #gamesmedia #indiegames #grykomputerowe #gryvideo #gry #games #gamedev #videogames