Jim Donegan βœ… · @jimdonegan
1565 followers · 4720 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Doug Webb · @douginamug
820 followers · 7157 posts · Server mastodon.xyz

nonzerosum.games is a site full of beautifully illustrated games and essays about patterns of behavior by @nonzerosumjames It's with an aim to help us all find better patterns with each other :)

Horny lizards trying to get their bags off a luggage carousel? Crabs helping each other get out a bucket? 3D tetris with a 2D representation?

Have fun and get a crash course in on the side.


Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Burr · @mburr
10 followers · 161 posts · Server stranger.social

have simple scalar qualities like secretiveness, deceptiveness, guilt, self-awareness, cynicism...

And all the lingo of the "science" lends itself to DND: "grandiose narcissist", "communal narcissist", "covert narcissist"...

Party A tries to deceive party B...

Throw in a few "empaths"?

Find equilibria...?

Important: I know almost nothing about gameplay.

#narcissists #narcissist #dnd #gametheory #nixon

Last updated 1 year ago

Tanguy Fardet · @tfardet
296 followers · 1289 posts · Server fediscience.org

I replicated a a few days ago about a /social experiment where people have to choose between a red and blue pill (not with a -like effect, though).

If you take the red pill, you live, whatever happens but unless more than 50% of the participants choose blue, all people choosing blue will die.

See the original poll here: fediscience.org/@tfardet/11089

This gave interesting results (even if I only got around 90 votes) and discussions that I'd like to sum up in this thread.


#matrix #gametheory #poll

Last updated 1 year ago

Interstate service station restaurant service worker has to be THE WORST job.

All the normal service work problems PLUS a non-iterated Prisoners' Dilemma, so there'll be lots of defectors from the norms of society.

#gametheory #math

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric the Cerise · @ErictheCerise
280 followers · 2535 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I look to .

Quitting right now would, in fact, be bad for the global economy. Just think, eg, of all the people still paying off loans on their ICE-cars, who wake up tomorrow to find that gasoline is no longer available at any price, and their cars are now less than worthless? And a thousand similar wrenching changes to people and businesses.

But that's actually the best-case, if the whole world quits together.

What if just Germany quits, unilaterally? Or Canada? Or even the US?

Then that country's economy crashes alone, and the rest of the world reaps a benefit, because fossil fuel prices would actually go down, thanks to the decrease in demand.

Every leader on Earth has been aware of this conundrum, one way or another, for 40+ years. Every leader keeps waiting for someone else to take the plunge first.

And we lemmings march on.

#gametheory #fossilfuels

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric the Cerise · @ErictheCerise
280 followers · 2534 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I look to .

Quitting right now would, in fact, be bad for the global economy. Just think, eg, of all the people still paying off loans on their ICE-cars, who wake up tomorrow to find that gasoline is no longer available at any price, and their cars are now less than worthless? And a thousand similar wrenching changes to people and businesses.

But that's actually the best-case, if the whole world quits together.

What if just Germany quits, unilaterally? Or Canada? Or even the US?

Then that country's economy crashes alone, and the rest of the world reaps a benefit, because fossil fuel prices would actually go down, thanks to the decrease in demand.

Every leader on Earth has been aware of this conundrum, one way or another, for 40+ years. Every leader keeps waiting for someone else to take the plunge first.

And we lemmings march on.

#gametheory #fossilfuels

Last updated 1 year ago

I have always been drawn to the idea of building fantastic worlds with fractal complexity; the more you look, the more you see. Witnessing the advancement of LLM capabilities and reading papers like "Simulacra of Human Behavior" truly piqued my interest in exploring the idea of creating generative worlds.

After a few weeks of work, Morgan Rivers and I developed Yoasi, a Generative LLM-Based Universe Builder. Yoasi draws on ideas from agent-based modeling, generative AI, the philosophical branch of practical reasoning, game theory, and my passion for storytelling. Currently, it allows developers to input Python files containing descriptions of agents and environments. Users can then initiate their simulations and read the logs produced by the software to delve into the lives of the agents within this universe.

Continue reading here: techforgoodresearch.substack.c

#ai #gametheory #llm

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric the Cerise · @ErictheCerise
278 followers · 2345 posts · Server kolektiva.social

My "Pascal's Wager" perspective on the

Saw a toot about "pretending it's hopeless is equally bad as pretending everything's fine, we can solve it if we just do it, yada".

Naturally, I'm a doomer.

And no, we actually don't know if we can solve this ... and frankly, if history is any guide, the odds don't look good (hence, my lean towards doomerism).

But, sans the"rah-rah" optimism ... that is actually the optimal path to pursue.

*Assume* that we can still fix it, and then devote as much time/energy as you can spare, towards helping.

Maybe we can't fix it, and all your efforts will be in vain. That is quite possible.

But maybe we could have fixed it, and ultimately, it was you saying 'fuck it' and sitting around on your ass, that pushed us over the brink.

#gametheory #ClimateCrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

Tanguy Fardet · @tfardet
294 followers · 1249 posts · Server fediscience.org

A friend has sent me a poll that I naively considered at first to be just a bad example of but that I now find to be quite interesting from a and perspective. See below for a 2nd variant of the poll.

People will be presented with a choice between a red and a blue pill. If more than 50% choose the blue pill, no one dies. If not, those who took a blue pill die, those who chose red live.

Which pill do you choose ? (You cannot discuss with the others)


#psychology #social #gametheory

Last updated 1 year ago

Gert :debian: :gnu: :linux: · @Gert
229 followers · 1195 posts · Server qoto.org

Mi piace scegliere un brano musicale che riesca a cogliere le emozioni di fondo che hanno accompagnato un progetto, soprattutto quando il progetto implica scrivere codice, per me sempre un modo di generare vita e di sentirmi vivere.
Per GenAgents ho scelto questo.
—[music credit: Nick Drake, Time of No Reply]

#sociology #gametheory #psychology #coding

Last updated 1 year ago

howiecohen · @howiecohen
431 followers · 3422 posts · Server friendsofdesoto.social

Wave equation, beta radiation beam
Quadrophonic gin and tonic fever dream
Cell-disrupting, will-corrupting vertigo
Exponential, existential horror show


#theloudfamily #gametheory #scottmiller #mathrock #indiemusic

Last updated 1 year ago

drmorr · @drmorr
51 followers · 491 posts · Server hachyderm.io

So I bought this book about algorithmic game theory about a year ago and finally got around to cracking it open... And discovered a book about physics inside.πŸ€¦πŸ™„

#algorithms #gametheory #igotscammed

Last updated 1 year ago

Vince Knight (He/Him) · @vinceknight
416 followers · 254 posts · Server fosstodon.org

New release of Nashpy (v0.0.39). It now includes an implementation of linear programming based on the minimax theorem for Zero sum games: nashpy.readthedocs.io/en/stabl


Last updated 1 year ago

4th year med students now get a limited number of "signals" to indicate interest in residency programs when vying for interviews. Each specialty sets a max number of signals applicants can use. At I learned that Family Medicine allocates 5 per applicant -- much lower than most other specialties -- to try to ensure programs will interview students who didn't spend a signal to apply. (Before this year, students advised to apply to 15-20, but most students applied to 30-60!)

#aafpnc #gametheory

Last updated 1 year ago

SeΓ‘n Fobbe · @seanfobbe
1650 followers · 749 posts · Server fediscience.org

It's probably some kind of insider joke when game theory economists drop two pages of dense math, followed by "clearly, we can see that...".

#gametheory #economics

Last updated 1 year ago

Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
299 followers · 11340 posts · Server rustedneuron.com


You need to add to your hashtags there.


Last updated 1 year ago

Don Stewart · @donsbot
900 followers · 972 posts · Server aus.social

Quite enjoyed Labuschagne's interview yesterday. Asked: are you playing for the win tomorrow?

Manus: wat you talking about m8? Set a target then bowl England out tomorrow? In a day. With rain? And we're 2/1 up? When we can just bat out and retain the Ashes?


#cricket #ashes #gametheory

Last updated 1 year ago

663 followers · 2872 posts · Server mastodon.moule.world

:Strattzr: @Strattzr is the chief strategist of the :GLHF: Gamer Legion of Hasty Foxes – he'll kick your ass in chess! β™ŸοΈ

When you see him standing still and motionless, he's not daydreaming – he's most likely determining which of the 50,000 moves he's calculated will best overthrow your competition! :StrattzrThink:

Truly living up to the cunning trickery of foxes! 🦊

#oc #fox #foxes #gaming #gamer #game #videogame #vr #virtualreality #augmentedreality #gametheory #glhf #gamerlegionofhastyfoxes

Last updated 1 year ago

Jean-Christophe Spiliotis · @jcspilio
35 followers · 5 posts · Server econtwitter.net

After lurking for a few days, it’s time for an !

I’m an researcher based in Oxford. I specialise in stochastic & evolutionary , , & in general. Those have cool applications to , , , & – which conveniently are also interests of mine!

In my spare time, I’m mostly improvising (on a piano, on stage & in life), staring at generative art, or geeking out on American football plays.

#introduction #antimicrobialresistance #gametheory #informationtheory #statistics #innovation #biology #finance #geopolitics

Last updated 1 year ago