#Veranstaltungshinweis: Ich erinnere noch einmal an das #online Treffen der #Fokusgruppe #OA Kommunikation des #OpenAccessNetwork. Am Montag, 11.09.2023, 14-15 Uhr wird Anthanasios Mazarakis (#ZBW) mit einen Impuls-Vortrag zum Thema „Motivation für #OpenAccess durch #Gamification“ zu Gast sein. Auch neue Gäste sind immer herzlich willkommen! Infos zur Fokusgruppe und Link zum Veranstaltungsraum unter: https://open-access.network/vernetzen/
#veranstaltungshinweis #online #fokusgruppe #oa #openaccessnetwork #zbw #openaccess #gamification
Víte jak teď pár dní hodně pršelo? Tak za posledních 7 dní jsem uběhl 46,5km. To vše, kvůli jednomu jedinému bodu. #gamification
Získal(a) jsem odznak ve službě Garmin Connect. #garmin #beatyesterday #running
#gamification #garmin #beatyesterday #running
Tyhle svařené plasty jsou zlo. Ještě, že jsou výrobci hodní (nebo pracovníci nedbalí) a většinou to jde rozlousknout bez poškození. Zkusím tam flashnout Tasmotu a připojit přes to myčku. O tom, jak často pereme už mám docela přehled, tak teď je na řadě další přístroj.
#Civicbase brings upvoting and downvoting to preference measurement—but with a budget.
Participants can select or agree or disagree buttons (up to 7 times) to allocate a limited voting credits (that carry over to future studies?).
May reveal priorities that Likert scales and ranked-choices cannot.
Presumably, this could be used for all sorts of preferences (beyond civics/politics).
#measurement #PsychMethods #openSource #decisionScience #poliSci #cogSci #gamification
#civicbase #measurement #psychmethods #opensource #decisionscience #polisci #cogsci #gamification
❓Gibt es eine Definition von #Gamification? In welchen Formen wird sie wo angewandt, was ist ihr Ziel, gilt sie als Erfolgsgarant?
Ein Beitrag von Tommy Kohlmann für den #SDNue- Blog:
👉 https://bit.ly/45OsUso
#socialdesign #designthinking #digitaletransformation #playersjourney
#gamification #sdnue #socialdesign #designthinking #digitaletransformation #playersjourney
on the #shownotes #grind jamming to some #EarthWindAndFire for @gamesatwork_biz in preparation for tomorrow's posting of e430 — stories & toots about #Chandrayaan3 #VisionPro, #holoprojectors, #Atari, #Kinect, #WoodenComputers, #Roblox, #TenaciousD, #StarWars and a whole lot more! Check out the earlier episodes, chock full of #AI #metaverse #AR #VR #gamification and so much more on https://www.gamesatwork.biz
#gamification #vr #ar #metaverse #AI #StarWars #tenaciousd #Roblox #woodencomputers #kinect #atari #holoprojectors #visionpro #Chandrayaan3 #EarthWindandFire #grind #shownotes
Ich tendiere zunehmend dazu, meinen todo-list-Einträgen umschreibende Titel, wie in einem RPG Questlog zu geben. #gamification
#Gamification works.
Went for a 3+mile #walk because then we get our "Weekend walk" badge on #Garmin.
And well, it's healthy and it's nice weather (right now)
:ablobcatattentionreverse: :blobcataco: :ablobcool: #StreetComplete #OpenStreetMaps #Gamification #ProudOfMyself
#proudofmyself #gamification #openstreetmaps #streetcomplete
So my Ren-Baroque class role played a #reactingtothepast game, 1492 Conclave Election of a Pope. The students were brilliant. Even the hesitant ones eventually immersed themselves in character. Several bad Italian accents were heard, Cardinal Carafa kept complaining about how corrupt we all were and Cardinal Della Rovere kept trying to persuade us the French were no threat. They wanted to stay and keep playing after class! My heart is full #gamification
#reactingtothepast #gamification
#Veranstaltungshinweis: Am Montag, 11.09.2023 zwischen 14-15 Uhr findet wieder das #online Treffen der #Fokusgruppe #OA Kommunikation des #OpenAccessNetwork statt. Zu Gast sein wird Anthanasios Mazarakis (#ZBW) mit einen Impuls-Vortrag zum Thema „Motivation für #OpenAccess durch #Gamification“. Infos zur Fokusgruppe und Link zum Veranstaltungsraum unter: https://open-access.network/vernetzen/digitale-fokusgruppen/fokusgruppe-kommunikation
#veranstaltungshinweis #online #fokusgruppe #oa #openaccessnetwork #zbw #openaccess #gamification
Noch zwei freie Plätze im Online-Seminar "Spielerisch durch die Bibliothek - gamifizierte Bibliotheksführung" am 21./25. September, erstmalig im Programm für die Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken #Weiterbildung #Gamification @th_koeln
Zum Angebot: https://www.th-koeln.de/weiterbildung/spielerisch-durch-die-bibliothek---gamifizierte-bibliotheksfuehrung_104074.php
My syllabi are identical between 8-week long classes regardless of the modality.
#ungrading in both. #oer in both. #gamification, #ttrpg in both.
Maybe enrollment will pick up for my September and October on-campus starting classes.
My online Sept and Oct starting classes are already at 32.
But for now, does not look like students are ready, willing, or interested in an August on-campus start.
#ungrading #oer #gamification #ttrpg
Spielt mit uns – #BibliotheksSprech https://bibliotheksbubble.de/2023/08/18/spielt-mit-uns-bibliothekssprech/ Bereits auf der BiblioCON dieses Jahr habe ich das Spiel live erleben können und fand, es ist ein guter Aufhänger, um in eine… #Bibliothek #Bibliotheksschulung #Gamification #nachnutzbar #OER
#bibliothekssprech #bibliothek #bibliotheksschulung #gamification #nachnutzbar #oer
on the #shownotes #grind for @gamesatwork_biz in preparation for tomorrow's posting of e428 — stories & toots about #AI @soka #GeneratedAudio #GeneratedBooks #GenerativeAgents and a whole lot more! Check out the earlier episodes, chock full of #AI #metaverse #AR #VR #gamification and so much more on https://www.gamesatwork.biz
#gamification #vr #ar #metaverse #generativeagents #generatedbooks #generatedaudio #AI #grind #shownotes
Ich hab ein dreiviertel Jahr gebraucht, um damit klarzukommen *dass* #Duolingo ihr System umgestellt haben.
Jetzt kann ich mich endlich darüber ärgern, *wie* sie es umgestellt haben:
#Mehr #Gamification, #weniger #Sprachenlernen
fasst es eigentlich ganz gut zusammen.
#sprachenlernen #weniger #gamification #mehr #duolingo
#India #Surveillance #Gamification: "Apps like MyGate and its competitors ApnaComplex and NoBrokerHood have gained popularity across urban India in recent years. These apps automate surveillance in housing societies — notifying and seeking permission from residents every time a guest, a delivery person, or a domestic worker enters or leaves the complex. They also facilitate utility payments, communication between residents, and the booking of slots for shared amenities.
But the technology built by these companies is inherently problematic as the apps allow the monitoring of domestic workers, often without their consent or knowledge, lawyers and researchers told Rest of World. The apps further an existing form of discrimination that plays out in urban Indian apartment complexes, according to digital activist and researcher Srinivas Kodali. These “walled gardens have been built by the upper classes to essentially forget how bad the outside world is” and exclude the poor, he told Rest of World. “There was always an amount of surveillance as to who gets to access the space, and now that access is highly monitored, gamified.”"
#india #surveillance #gamification
Ich teste jetzt mit der Who Knows App wie richtig ich mit meinen ersten Eindrücke liege. Das macht ziemlich Spaß und nebenbei unterstützt man psychologische Forschung. Schau es dir auch mal an: https://whoknows.uni-muenster.de/
Entdeckt bei der Urlaubslektüre in @psyheu
#Forschung #psychologie #gamification
I'd also like to talk about the weird #gamification of #techjobs
A Bachelor's degree == 4 years experience
#Comptia Certificate == 1 year experience
At least for my state government
So I'm going to get my #networkplus and #securityplus this year. I already have my #Aplus in addition to hobby server work and side IT and organizing work.
My recruiter confirmed that I will qualify for a standardized job within my state if I get all those certs plus some because of my hobbies.
#gamification #techjobs #comptia #networkplus #securityplus #aplus
on the #shownotes #grind for @gamesatwork_biz in preparation for tomorrow's posting of e427 — stories & toots about #Barbie #AI #pictures #UnrealEngine in the 2024 #Ford #Mustang and a whole lot more! Check out the earlier episodes, chock full of #AI #metaverse #AR #VR #gamification and so much more on https://www.gamesatwork.biz
#gamification #vr #ar #metaverse #mustang #ford #unrealengine #pictures #AI #barbie #grind #shownotes