The lengths to which fragile reactionary neets will go to to get a tool to say a racial slur is astounding.
#gamingthesystem #artificialintelligence #ai
Oh No, ChatGPT AI Has Been Jailbroken To Be More Reckless
'Some clever users have found a way to bypass ChatGPT’s strict list of no-talk subjects, tricking it into adopting a new persona, DAN, which stands for “Do Anything Now.” As DAN, ChatGPT can now blow past the restrictions on “appropriate topics” to deliver amusing and upsetting responses'
Well, blow me down! Who would have thought this might happen?!
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #GamingTheSystem
#gamingthesystem #artificialintelligence #AI
@projektshrimp cool, dass ihr in die Testphase geht. Ich werde unsere Mitglieder bei unserem nächsten Arbeitskreistreffen #GamingTheSystem auf die Möglichkeit hinweisen. Show this thread BREXIT IS NOW OUR NORM - NO WONDER BRITAIN IS BECOMING ONE OF THE SICKEST NATIONS IN THE WEST No front-bencher – Government or shadow – dares to say Brexit is a disaster Yasmin Alibhai-Brown 3.1.23
#PutinTrumpJohnsonLie #PeopleDie #UnfitForParliament #RightWingExtremism #GamingTheSystem #UKSelfHarm #CriminalGovernance #PathocRATS #Pathocracy #GeneralElectionNOW #EndSARS #EndPoliceBrutality #HolisticApproach #CostOfLivingJustice
#costoflivingjustice #HolisticApproach #endpolicebrutality #EndSARS #GeneralElectionNOW #pathocracy #pathocrats #criminalgovernance #ukselfharm #gamingthesystem #rightwingextremism #unfitforparliament #PeopleDie #putintrumpjohnsonlie
Why can some people have multiple returns in their toots?
You know what I mean?
Oh. The (a?) trick is to add a period, return, and then delete the period. #toothelp #hax #gamingTheSystem #protoots
#toothelp #hax #gamingthesystem #protoots