Today's lesson: Don't put a project in front of your project. 🧵
After taking weeks to decide how to allocate new and old PC parts I had the brainwave to design a custom lab computer case. Now it's been a couple weeks more of tinkering and it's time to take the L amd just build my computer in a normal case like a normal person.
My real goal is making #NeRFs with #gammacam. To get better at that I planned an upgrade with more fast CPU cores for COLMAP SfM.
#gammacam provides open source software to operate a flexible camera array. I’ve included STL files and a basic bill of materials for my own rig, which I call gammacam P6. If you’re trying to coordinate taking pictures with multiple #raspberrypi cameras then give it a try, maybe it’ll make things easier.
I published #gammacam at last week. Gamma Camera is a personal side-project I’ve been building for a while now. You may have seen me share some of the resulting pixels or in-progress hardware if you’ve been following me for a while.