बौरा गया है छोरा, फ्लॉप फिल्म वो भी ऐसी फ्लॉप की सिनेमाघर वाले पैसे दे कर बुलाएं तो भी लोग ना जाए और ये छोरा खुश हो रहा है?
RT @vivekagnihotri@twitter.com
Hearing great reports of #GandhiGodseEkYudh. Specially superlative performances of #DeepakAntani and #ChinmayMandlekar. Chinmay played Yasin Malik in #TheKashmirFiles and he is indeed one of the best actors of Indian cinema. I wonder why top critics didn’t review this film?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/vivekagnihotri/status/1619566238711291905
#thekashmirfiles #ChinmayMandlekar #deepakantani #gandhigodseekyudh
Gandhi Godse: Ek Yudh is a Delusional Film, a Dull Revisionist History
Rajkumar Santoshi’s film makes a tectonic revision to Indian history — what if Gandhi survived Godse’s three bullets, and then, meeting him after, reformed his worldview, while learning a thing or two about being less stuck up?
This is the kind of good-intentioned writing and filmmaking that can be described as naive at best, and delusional at worst.
#FilmReview #GandhiGodseEkYudh #MKGandhi #godse #cinema #RSS #hindutva #history #bollywood #RajkumarSantoshi #india
#filmreview #gandhigodseekyudh #mkgandhi #godse #cinema #RSS #hindutva #history #Bollywood #rajkumarsantoshi #india
Gandhi Godse Ek Yudh (War of Ideologies) review – dangerously bland alternate history
In imagining a world where Gandhi and his killer learned to get along, Rajkumar Santoshi simplifies differences that remain perilous for India.
#FilmReview #cinema #GandhiGodseEkYudh #RajkumarSantoshi #MKGandhi #godse #hindutva #history #bollywood #FreedomStruggle #india
#filmreview #cinema #gandhigodseekyudh #rajkumarsantoshi #mkgandhi #godse #hindutva #history #Bollywood #freedomstruggle #india