Going into week two of working on my first from-scratch grant proposal in ages, so I'm digging up my old #Gantt chart code https://www.molecularecologist.com/2019/01/03/simple-gantt-charts-in-r-with-ggplot2-and-the-tidyverse/
#gantt #project #scheduling #science
I'm not a TPM, but I did stay at a #HolidayInnExpress last night.
Week1: "What's your project plan?”
::shows a document::
Week 2: “What's your project plan?"
::shows a projection from JIRA::
Shows a #Gantt chart.
"Ah. Thank you.”
Le meraviglie di #mermaid per generare da #plaintext una grande quantità di diagrammi differenti.
Uno strumento non di certo perfetto, ma che copre una grande quantità di casi d'uso semplici.
Ho integrato Mermaid sul mio sito e ho provato #Piechart #Flowchart e #gantt.
#mermaid #plaintext #piechart #Flowchart #gantt
Gibt es irgendeinen Grund, warum #GANTT charts überall ein Premium-Feature sind?
Gibts ein brauchbares #Projektmanagement für Einzelpersonen inkl. GANTT?
Online Gantt | crea facilmente #diagrammi di #Gantt
Revu UI kit for SaaS Startups is Here 🎉
Compatible with SketchApp and Figma
#uidesign #designsystem #saas #agile #SaaS #UI #Productivity #uikit #ProductDesign #inspiration #madewithsketch #figmadesign #Template #ux #projectmanagement #gantt #kanban #startup
#uidesign #designsystem #saas #agile #ui #productivity #uikit #productdesign #inspiration #madewithsketch #figmadesign #template #ux #projectmanagement #gantt #kanban #startup
Which Mac app (or online) do you use to create a gantt style waterfall project plan? I see lots of options in the app store, all with subscription plans. I don’t need it that often.
#macOS #Gantt #Planning #GanttChart #Waterfall #ProjectManagement #Projects
#macos #gantt #planning #ganttchart #waterfall #projectmanagement #projects
Ieri leggevo un toot dove uno, che si dichiarava project manager, aveva il vuoto cosmico su cosa fosse il Gantt. Siamo a posto.
#ProjectManager #gantt
Today I implemented a Gantt chart for our app so that coffee roasters can visualise their coffee releases in a year. The fun part is that it’s entirely CSS without any JS
#CSS #html #gantt #sass #CoffeeRoaster
#css #html #gantt #sass #coffeeroaster
Hey @cryptpad, I just learned that CyptPad uses #Mermaid (a JavaScript-based diagramming and charting tool that uses #Markdown-inspired text definitions and a renderer to create and modify complex diagrams, https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid) to help documentation catch up with development. Any plans to use that technology also for users as another type of document (like Tabel, Rich Text, ...)? Would be useful (e.g. #gantt charts) I guess.
Projektmanagment mit GanttProject
Die Installation unter Manjaro ist nicht ganz einfach.
#projektmanagement #projekte #gantt #chart
[HowTo] Temas visuales en 'Kanboard' #productividad #redes #sistemas_operativos #gnu_linux #linux #kanboard #kanban #gestion_de_proyectos #organizacion #tareas #gantt #tema_visual https://hijosdeinit.gitlab.io/howto_tema_visual_kanboard/
#productividad #redes #sistemas_operativos #gnu_linux #linux #kanboard #kanban #gestion_de_proyectos #organizacion #tareas #gantt #tema_visual
Do any of you have experience with project management software?
I am looking for a tool (local / cloud) to manage projects and resources to working in a team with it. I looked at #kanboard, but it doesn't have enough features. Then #projeqtor - but that has too many bugs, but the feature set is exactly what I'm looking for. #GanttProject is nice, but couldn't work in team with it.
Do you have any other suggestions? Please retooth, thanks.
#projectmanagement #gantt #wbs #opensourse #tool #pm #GanttProject #projeqtor #kanboard
y'aurait pas un pro de mermaid dans le coin par hasard? :)
Je ne trouve pas comment faire une tache dans un schema #gantt avec la date finale flottante au jour courant, une tâche pas finie quoi...
Un truc du style
tache n : 2022-02-25, today
#gantt #mermaid #markdown #joplin
A Draft Workflow for Advanced #ProjectManagement Using #Emacs #OrgMode and #OrgEdna https://karl-voit.at/2020/08/14/project-mgt-draft/
#ProjectManagement #emacs #orgmode #orgedna #pim #visualizations #gantt #tasks #publicvoit
@apachaves Perhaps #Taiga.io suits your needs...
Another Open Source Software for working with #Gantt Charts is #GanttProject (https://www.ganttproject.biz/) although I have never used it.
Busco un programa tipo #gantt, para planificar proyectos, pero que las fechas no sean concretas.
La Gestion de projets, des outils pratiques !
#Pratique #gantt #kanban #nextcloud #projets #scrum #taïga #tracim #wekan
#pratique #gantt #kanban #nextcloud #projets #scrum #taïga #tracim #wekan
Is there any intention to make an #app for #gantt chart for #nextcloud ?
#app #gantt #nextcloud #community #opensource #organisation