@brettspiele mein #Brettspielmonatsbericht Mai:
Endlich mal ein paar mal öfter das fantastische #ArkNova spielen können.
Ausserdem seit langem mal wieder ne Runde EDH (#magicthegathering).
Enttäuschend war leider #hpDeathEatersRising
Auch #CleverHoch3 war regeltechnisch weniger klar als ich es von #ganzschonclever gewohnt war.
Überraschend unterhaltsam fand ich #BetrayalAtHouseOnTheHill und #spicy.
#brettspielmonatsbericht #arknova #magicthegathering #hpdeatheatersrising #cleverhoch3 #ganzschonclever #betrayalathouseonthehill #spicy
#ThatsPrettyClever #boardgames #ganzschonclever
Still enjoying the #GanzSchönClever iOS games. They need to work on their English translation, but the games are all well made and it makes it easy to play the game.
For those of you who don’t know, #GanzSchönClever looks like it’s a cross between Yahtzee and a slot machine. It’s fun and games are quick. I kinda want to play with actual people.
I am enjoying the Roll and Write and Flip and Write mechanic. I’m not sure if I’m ready for the crunchy games, but I really like #GanzSchönClever and #Cartographers so far.
#ganzschonclever #Cartographers
I’ve been playing #GanzSchönClever the last few days. I’m really enjoying it. It’s a bit of a cross between Yahtzee and a Slot Machine. You roll the dice, and place rolls on a rather colorful and complicated score sheet. If your skilled and lucky, you start making combos which cause extra boxes to be filled in on your score sheet, triggering extra boxes to be filled in. There’s enough strategy to optimize your scoring, and the games don’t take very long.