"Dating the indictment to Floyd’s murder shows the state of Georgia to be prosecuting a nationwide conspiracy of antiracist opposition to police violence." https://lpeproject.org/blog/rico-and-stop-cop-city-the-long-war-against-the-left/ #politics #USPol #GAPol #Atlanta #StopCopCity
#politics #uspol #gapol #atlanta #StopCopCity
Yall remember Georgia state Sen Bill Ligon? The one who sent Pence a letter urging him to refuse to certify the election?
Welp, Ligon escaped indictment in spite of 20-1 vote by special grand jury #gapol
A #Fulton judge last summer disqualified #FaniWillis from investigating #BurtJones, saying the DA had a #political #conflict of interest. The Prosecuting Attorneys Council of #Georgia is weighing whether to appoint a #SpecialCounsel to see whether Jones should face charges.
#gapol #law #legal #RICO #Criminal #conspiracy #Trump #FakeElectors
#fulton #faniwillis #burtjones #political #conflict #georgia #specialcounsel #gapol #law #legal #rico #criminal #conspiracy #trump #fakeelectors
You have to assume that those alarms are why the breach happened in Coffee County. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-georgia-election-tampering-2664793515/ #politics #USPol #GAPol #elections
#politics #uspol #gapol #elections
Remember former da Jackie johnson?
Her indictment on charges of interfering with the investigation into Ahmaud Arbery’s murder
Just turned two years old.
Still no hearing dates. #gapol via The Current
Giuliani lied… anyone really surprised?
Rudy Giuliani defamed former Georgia election workers, a federal judge rules - NBC News https://apple.news/A8-VSi_STSTSidK-dn3633Q
#Politics #gapol #Georgia #giuliani
There’s been a lot of talk about Kemp going after Willis, this is not the case, and probably his smartest move.
As Trump and Republicans target Georgia DA Fani Willis for retribution, the state's governor opts out - PBS NewsHour https://apple.news/A_YyU-dOKT8ymIw6elj1L4g
#willis #kemp #gapol #goegiapolitics #Georgia
#VoteATL has a great resource for getting your bearings in this November's Atlanta School Board election: https://voteatl.org/school-board #GAPol #Atlanta
preview of next year legislature:
businesses say tax breaks = jobs
critics on right = this is unfair to small biz and unlevel playing field and business is going to occur anyway
critics on left = the Georgia little guy doesnt benefit
via @jsalzerajc
Big-rigging: Georgia officials have been doling out construction contracts for EV vehicle plants to non-union contractors represented by "a trade association that’s donated over $1 million to Republican candidates across the state over the past decade, including $30,000 to Brian Kemp’s re-election bid in 2022." https://prospect.org/power/2023-08-24-construction-bids-electric-vehicles-georgia-brian-kemp/ #USPol #GaPol #greenEnergy #corruption
#uspol #gapol #greenenergy #Corruption
Good article on how the #StopCopCity referendum movement is getting across the finished line: https://atlpresscollective.com/2023/08/20/not-just-cop-city-referendum-team-threatens-the-atlanta-way/ #USPol #GaPol #Atlanta #policing #peoplePower
#stopcopcity #uspol #gapol #atlanta #policing #peoplepower
Glynn County sheriff’s department wrecks cars, jail telecom vendor sends money for more
#jail #georgia #PolicingforProfit
#gapol via @thecurrentga
#gapol #policingforprofit #Georgia #jail
Know any Georgians who don't believe the 2020 election?
Meet the paper ballot evangelist preaching those doubts across the state, hour-long power point and mic in hand.
#gapol via The Current
#georgia #election #trump
#Trump #Election #Georgia #gapol
Via Wu Tang is for the Children @wutangkids
Jenna Ellis got popped 🤣…..idiot got COVID from a Rudy fart and now this
Via Greg Bluestein @Bluestein
The charges against Trump and allies are beginning to surface on the Fulton County docket. #GaPol
#trump #trumpindictment #gapol
“Keep that in mind as we watch the circus of well-coiffed and bespoke besuited media from New York and Washington D.C. descend upon the #fulton County Courthouse this week, most of whom are making more money than I do rehashing talking points made 50 times over while 24 jurors do actual work.”
#gapol #atlpol #journalism via George Chidi
#journalism #atlpol #gapol #fulton
Forsyth County Ga joined the Atlanta Regional commission in 2021.
Everytime it's mentioned a bunch of locals inevitablly start claiming the ARC will turn Forsyth into "Atlanta" and the ARC is taking over and how we should leave it.
It's the same baffling logic behind refused the medicaid expansion.
Leaving the ARC or refusing to join it doesn't make it go away. It just removes our seat at the table. It won't change the economic geography of the county either.