Happy Solstice!! I know it’s officially winter in Minnesota when I have to bring the onions and potatoes down to the basement from the garage because they are freezing. Can’t wait for Stage 2 of MN Winter = frozen soda can explosion!! -3, feels like -18 right now!! #MN #Minnesota #Solstice #cold #GarageAsFreezer #MinneSnowta #HeatingBlanket
#heatingblanket #minnesnowta #garageasfreezer #cold #Solstice #Minnesota #mn
Happy Solstice!! I know it’s officially winter in Minnesota when I have to bring the onions and potatoes down to the basement from the garage because they are freezing. Can’t wait for Stage 2 of MN Winter = frozen soda can explosion!! -3, feels like -18 right now!! #MN #Minnesota #Solstice #cold #GarageAsFreezer #MinneSnowta #HeatingBlanket
#heatingblanket #minnesnowta #garageasfreezer #cold #Solstice #Minnesota #mn