15 neighbors showed up for pizza in our driveway tonight and we ended up having an impromptu zucchini bread-off. Happy #GarbageEve to all who celebrate! #alamtg
Ran into a neighbor at the farmers market and told her about #GarbageEve. She said someone was already posting about it on the birdsite. Which is odd to me. So, hi lurking reposter, I guess. #alamtg
#GarbageEve is a new tradition we’re starting on our block. It’s the night before garbage day and you can hang out a little longer out front and catch your neighbors as they put the trash to the curb. You get to see people and it reminds you to put your trash out!
Seems like an odd time of year for a mama Turkey with chicks this size to move into my #growden - apparently they live here now. #alamtg #turkeysofmastodon Happy #GarbageEve to all who celebrate.
#garbageeve #turkeysofmastodon #alamtg #growden