So, after 10 reboots or so, it's working...
I think this wifi chip is just cursed. Sometimes it fails to initiate properly even. It's the MediaTek m7921e. Wouldn't recommend it.
Apparently tho, it's replaceable, if I care enough. It's a card underneath the NVMe.
So, after 10 reboots or so, it's working...
I think this wifi chip is just cursed. Sometimes it fails to initiate properly even. It's the MediaTek m7921e. Wouldn't recommend it.
Funny hate post on Reddit about it:
Apparently tho, it's replaceable, if I care enough. It's a card underneath the NVMe.
Wo kann man Müllsortierer in #sachsen besuchen? Gern auch Recyclinganlagen.
#recycling #garbagetech #garbage #müll #Entsorgungswirtschaft #Entsorgung #upcycling #Downcycling
#upcycling #Entsorgungswirtschaft #recycling #garbagetech #entsorgung #Downcycling #sachsen #garbage #müll
I'm interested in getting a de-Googled phone. This being said, what is the best, most reliable, not shady, I will get my stuff kind of place to get one? I don't and haven't shopped on Amazon for at least five years now, so that's out. Something, something wealth inequality and bad for workers. I can statistically program, so if de-Googling myself is a better option, then please say that. Thank you ahead of time, person(s)!
#degoogle #byebye #garbagetech #ifellinriverinthedarkhikingamidiot
#degoogle #byebye #garbagetech #ifellinriverinthedarkhikingamidiot