Magnolia blooms in the library gardens.
#park #walk #flowers #gardenaus #florespondence
It is a gorgeous day in #Melbourne today. I am about to go out for a walk but before I went I took some photos of the only flower in our garden at the moment - this camellia sasanqua 'Jane Morgan'. I couldn't decide which photo to share but chose this one as it also shows the winter sun with clear, blue sky in the background.
This camellia is another Bunnings bargain that I have snaffled - $5 about 4 years ago. It is not my favourite variety of camellia - but bargain!
#gardenAus #gardeningAus #gardeningAU
#melbourne #gardenaus #gardeningaus #gardeningau
I also repotted some plants this afternoon - see alt text for plant names. I bought the lavender and the cistus for $3 and some cents from Bunnings this morning.
Bunnings have a fairly boring selection of plants and sometimes some very over-priced plants. However, watch out for their specials table and their $3 something tube stock. If you know your plants you can pick up some good plants for a bargain price.
The man who works across the road and guards the plants in our #StreetGarden (from people who want to dig plants up and take them), gave me some old wire baskets to grow plants in.
Today I lined one with coir matting and emptied one and a half bags of potting mix in it (25 litre bags). I then planted some Christmas Lulium bulbs I had forgotten about. They had sprouted in a plastic bag in the garage. I also planted some Dwarf Iris Alida bulbs in the soil.
We had planned to hook this to the top of the fence but realised it would be way too heavy for the fence.
#OfficeKitty likes accompanying me in the garden while I am doing garden stuff. She does not like facing the camera and made sure her head was turned as far away as possible when she saw I was trying to take her photo.
#caturday #CatsOfMastodon #gardenAus #GardenKitty
#officekitty #caturday #catsofmastodon #gardenaus #gardenkitty
Our street garden has flourished, and so too have the weeds! After weeding today I laid down some mulch. A couple of neighbours stopped to chat which is what a street garden is about - connecting neighbours with each other
#gardenAus #streetgardening #gardeningAus
#gardenaus #streetgardening #gardeningaus
The 2023 backyard eggplant harvest. At exactly 50g and $4.50 for the seedling, that comes to $225/kg, not entirely cost effective! #vege #gardenAus ftw
I LOVE seeds. Not for eating, but collecting. You will often find me darting off towards a plant looking for seeds, envelope (or paper bag) in hand. Storing the precious contents away until I get home. Then attempting to germinate them in order to make new plants.
#seeds #gardening #gardenaus #propagation
Cymbidium Orchid flower spike unfurling and getting ready to do it’s thing. This is the first time that I have ever had a flower spike from a Cymbidium - apparently light and living on a balcony in Canberra is the trick!
This morning a few friends joined us to beautify the sad nature strip in front of our place. We planted cuttings of a large succulent, 'big red' geraniums and Ivy geranium. We redistributed the existing greyish leaved plants .
I have planted plants here before but people dug them up and took them. This time we potted up some cuttings and left in the garde for people passing by to take. I figure by making it easy to take plants, people will take the potted plants instead of digging up ones planted in the garden bed.
#gardenaus #communitygardening
@Ben it's still cold and overcast down here but I should go look at what the rain has done for giant zucchinis and the cherry tomatoes and how the #bonsai are doing #gardenAus
My neighbour and I had a hilarious conversation this week about a skip bin which we had been driving around for days. Turns out neither of us ordered it!
Emboldened, we checked what was in it. Scored a gate for the community garden and some tomato cages.
This dragon pot came to us because we have two others (scrounged from the side of the road).
Planted today a white geranium which deserves more live, borage, sweet potato and marigolds. Hope it can turn into a bit of a garden feature.
This is the gorgeous little laneway garden along the side of the house (went past today and that's when i noticed the for sale sign).
#UrbanGardening #gardenAus #gardeningAus
#urbangardening #gardenaus #gardeningaus
The LED lights on this seem pointless. Who’s mowing in the dark? #gardenAus #gardening #lawn #lawnmowing #grass #lawn
#gardenaus #gardening #lawn #lawnmowing #grass
My bulbs arrived last week so I'll be spending some time over Easter planting them, some freesias, daffodils and jonquils. I'm a lazy gardener so they suit me perfectly, you can forget about them and then get a lovely surprise when they emerge in early spring.
Doing some planting for summer.
I don’t go for a lot of flowers, I’m mostly about food plants. But I like daffodils and they’re mostly plant and forget about them. #gardening #gardenAus #flowers #bulbs
#gardening #gardenaus #flowers #bulbs
We have a very small east-facing garden in inner Melbourne. Lack of sun (except for hot sun summer) is a #gardening problem. I bought some hellebore seedlings to try out against our north-facing wall where there is good light but no direct sun
Bright orange blossom fallen into the leaf mulch below the Moreton Bay figs. Nothing like it flowering in the park - maybe the cockies who gather in the figs raided it from a nearby garden?
#park #walk #flower #gardenAus
#park #walk #flower #gardenaus