I really want to see someone do a #GardenGalaxy 100% items speedrun someday.
After spending a sick amount of time gathering all of the game's items and then making it so I could select any item I wanted at any time, I made a little thing to celebrate. #GardenGalaxy
This isn't the first build I've made, but it's the first one I care to post.
Oh, dang. #GardenGalaxy is exactly the kind of game I could sink hours into without blinking. Time to dig around and see if I can budget in an additional game this month.
Garden Galaxy is a relaxing idle sandbox filled with pots and plants - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/garden-galaxy-is-a-relaxing-idle-sandbox-filled-with-pots-and-plants #GardenGalaxy #AnnekaTran #Sandbox
#sandbox #annekatran #gardengalaxy
Garden Galaxy, y'all. All I ever wanted to do with Animal Crossing was make cool spaces; this game has really distilled that down into its essence.
This screenshot looks like total chaos because it is, but I'm just getting started! Welcome to my outer space conversation pit
This is something like my seventh or eighth straight night of insomnia. I gave up trying to fight it and so played #GardenGalaxy. I made a little camping area because I want to go camping so bad.
This is something like my seventh or eighth straight night of insomnia. I gave up trying to fight it and so #AmPlaying #GardenGalaxy. I made a little camping area because I want to go #camping so bad.
#camping #gardengalaxy #amplaying
@Sven well -- unsure - i have a hearty wishlist LOL
My top three that i'd like to pick up (which aren't wildly expensive to begin with) are #Tunic #GardenGalaxy #FarthestFrontier
But I'd love #GodofWar and #Spiderman as well, always wanted to pick up #MonsterHunter for PC (I played on PS back when it launched)
:gameslove: :8bit_mario2:
#tunic #gardengalaxy #farthestfrontier #godofwar #spiderman #monsterhunter
I can not stop working on my chaotic little garden and need to go shower for work. #GardenGalaxy
Picked up #GardenGalaxy on steam and I can already tell this will be a wonderful way to chill and destress.
Just got back from the DMV. Taking a few minutes to play the #GardenGalaxy demo to decompress before getting back to work.
Frothy’s Indie Finds ✨UPDATE✨: Garden Galaxy is out now on Steam!
Manage your own little garden in this extremely relaxing sandbox game. Collect coins, unlock new plants, and design your space however you want!
Get it on Steam for $9.99 USD: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1970460/Garden_Galaxy/
#Fungineers #FrothysIndieFinds #Update #GardenGalaxy #OutNow #Steam #VideoGames #GameDev #Games #IndieGames #IndieDev #Indie #Idler #Sandbox #Casual #Relaxing #Isometric
#frothysindiefinds #update #gardengalaxy #outnow #steam #videogames #gamedev #games #indiegames #indiedev #indie #idler #sandbox #casual #relaxing #isometric #fungineers
Oh, #GardenGalaxy on #Steam looks adorable. So cute. #Videogames #Indiegames https://store.steampowered.com/app/1970460/Garden_Galaxy/
#gardengalaxy #steam #videogames #indiegames
Trying out the Garden Galaxy demo and it's so cute! Definitely interested in getting the full version when this is released. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1970460/Garden_Galaxy
#games #gardengalaxy #indiegames #AnnekaTran #sandbox #worthcheckingout #game #plants #isometric
#games #gardengalaxy #indiegames #AnnekaTran #sandbox #worthcheckingout #game #plants #isometric