Poppies in the library garden providing lots of colour on a very grey day.
#flowers #poppies #walk #park #GardeningAus #GardeningAustralia
#flowers #poppies #walk #park #gardeningaus #GardeningAustralia
Walk in the park this morning before a GP check up. Gorgeous flowers in the library gardens. Love the colours!
#flowers #walk #park #gardeningaus #garden
The sun came back!
Meyer lemons and tangelos in a basket in the sun.
#GrowYourOwnFood #GardeningAus
#growyourownfood #gardeningaus
On our #Melbourne walk this morning we saw this creeper covering a wall.
#GardeningAU #gardeningAus
#melbourne #gardeningau #gardeningaus
This is a flower growing in our #streetgarden lit up by the soft #Melbourne winter sunlight. This was grown from a cutting planted in late April.
#streetgarden #melbourne #gardeningaus #gardeningau
It is a gorgeous day in #Melbourne today. I am about to go out for a walk but before I went I took some photos of the only flower in our garden at the moment - this camellia sasanqua 'Jane Morgan'. I couldn't decide which photo to share but chose this one as it also shows the winter sun with clear, blue sky in the background.
This camellia is another Bunnings bargain that I have snaffled - $5 about 4 years ago. It is not my favourite variety of camellia - but bargain!
#gardenAus #gardeningAus #gardeningAU
#melbourne #gardenaus #gardeningaus #gardeningau
Having a go at propagating African violets from leaves. Grew roots on a plain one (now transferred to a pot) and seeing if i can do it with the variegated one. They're sitting on the bathroom benchtop.
#gardening #AfricanViolets #GardeningAustralia #gardeningAus
#gardening #africanviolets #GardeningAustralia #gardeningaus
I found some sugar snap pea seeds in the garage with use-by date of August 2023, but where to plant them? The garden beds in our small backyard don't get the sun in winter.
The solution: I stuck bamboo stakes in the back of the wire basket pot I made yesterday and planted seeds in front of them. I also sprinkled parsley seeds on top. This is the same pot I planted Christmas Lilium and Iris bulbs in yesterday. (The photo was taken before I added the stakes)
This afternoon I pruned our lemon tree, bougainvillea and bamboo. I filled our vegetation bin but unfortunately our council doesn't collect vegetation bins, so we will have to put the prunings in our ordinary bin.
This unseasonably warm weather has caused our #bougainvillea too grow way too much leading the long branches to scrape the top of my head and comb my hair every time I get close to it.
When it is spring we are going to chop it down, drill some holes in the stump and poor poison in it.
#bougainvillea #gardeningaus #melbourne
Six 🐌 hiding behind plant pots have now been captured and launched through the air and up the garden.
#snails #littlegits #garden #gardeningaus
It’s my birthday week so I spoiled myself with plants. They got potted up today.
My mum and a friend are coming to visit this weekend and I can’t wait to show them all my plants.
The newbies are:
- Echeveria Doublette
- Echeveria Calico Cream
- Echeveria Zanadoo
- Echeveria unknown bumpy (the mother plant was stunning)
- Echeveria Flying Cloud
- Echeveria Hakuhou (if anyone knows how to pronounce that I’d appreciate the help)
- Echeveria Lotus Lantern?
- Echeveria Black Rose hybrid?
- Echeveria Blue Peacock
- Echeveria Winter Jasmine
- Conophytum Bilobum
#echeveria #conophytum #succulents #SucculentsOfMastodon #SucculentsOfTheFediverse #plants #gardening #GardeningAU #GardeningAus #GardeningAustralia #BirthdayWeek #BirthdayTreats
#echeveria #conophytum #succulents #succulentsofmastodon #succulentsofthefediverse #plants #gardening #gardeningau #gardeningaus #GardeningAustralia #birthdayweek #birthdaytreats
Our street garden has flourished, and so too have the weeds! After weeding today I laid down some mulch. A couple of neighbours stopped to chat which is what a street garden is about - connecting neighbours with each other
#gardenAus #streetgardening #gardeningAus
#gardenaus #streetgardening #gardeningaus
My Echeveria Benimusume on 6 June 2022 and then after repotting today, for the second time, into a larger pot. Paddle pop stick for scale.
I don’t think I’ve ever managed to properly centre a plant in a pot!
#Echeveria #Succulent #Plant #SucculentSaturday #SucculentsOfTheFediverse #SucculentsOfMastodon #Gardening #GardeningAustralia #GardeningAus #GardeningAustralia
#echeveria #succulent #plant #succulentsaturday #succulentsofthefediverse #succulentsofmastodon #gardening #GardeningAustralia #gardeningaus
I got the #PlantMail from this week potted up earlier this week. Hoping to keep the time inside in the warmth to a minimum so there’s not so much shock at being sent out into the freezing cold, especially as a couple came from the Gold Coast. I’m also pretty sure I’m coming down with something and didn’t want to risk not being up to it later in the week. These babies are too important.
- Myrtillocactus Gometrizans Fukurokuryuzinboku (Boobie Cactus): I’ve wanted one for ages and scored it from a seller’s closing down sale at a bargain price
- Echinocereus Rigidissimus (Rainbow Cactus): another one I’ve wanted for ages but others were higher on the wish list
- Echeveria Superbowl: I got at a discount, presumably because it’s not a perfect specimen, but it’s perfect to me
- Echeveria Cante x Laui: was just too petty to pass up
- Aloe Vera: I mentioned to a friend that I’d never actually seen it for sale so she dropped me off a piece
- Tacitus Bellus: has also been on my list for a while (the flowers are so beautiful) but had never come up in a sale when there was something else I wanted
- Echeveria Moulin Rouge: I just couldn’t pass up. She’s going to eventually get bumps and if you’ve followed me for a while you’ll know bumpies are my absolute favourite plants
#Succulents #SucculentsOfTheFediverse #SucculentsOfMastodon #Echeveria #Tacitus #Aloe #Echinocereus #Myrtillocactus #Boobies #BoobieCactus #Rainbow #RainbowCactus #Gardening #GardeningAustralia #GardeningAus
#plantmail #succulents #succulentsofthefediverse #succulentsofmastodon #echeveria #tacitus #Aloe #echinocereus #myrtillocactus #boobies #boobiecactus #rainbow #rainbowcactus #gardening #GardeningAustralia #gardeningaus
Last week’s plant mail finally potted up, including a purchase from the local show on Friday.
It’s taken me all weekend to recover from my outing to the show on Friday. I woke up feeling extra rubbish this morning and I think I might have picked up a bug from one of the group of young school kids that decided to sit practically on top of us (at the direction of their teachers) while watching the wood chopping.
- Echeveria Chantilly Mutation
- Echeveria Unknown Bumpy
- Echeveria Longissima Bumps
- Echeveria Raindrops
- Echeveria Blue Lagoon
- Echeveria Rococo
- Monkey’s Tail Cactus (Hildewintera Colademononsis)
#succulents #SucculentsOfMastodon #SucculentsOfTheFediverse #echeveria #Hildewintera #Gardening #GardeningAU #GardeningAus #GardeningAustralia #Plants #PlantMail
#succulents #succulentsofmastodon #succulentsofthefediverse #echeveria #hildewintera #gardening #gardeningau #gardeningaus #GardeningAustralia #plants #plantmail
This week’s #PlantMail has been potted, and handily it was just four plants this week so it was relatively quick and easy. I did, though, have to mix up another batch of soil mix because I was two trowels short on being able to fill the last pot. Super frustrating when that happens.
Echeveria Love Raindrops
Echeveria Thunder Tumour
Cotelydon Pendens (which gets the most beautiful flowers in spring)
Echeveria Pure Love
#echeveria #Cotelydon #succulents #SucculentsOfMastodon #SucculentsOfTheFediverse #Gardening #GardeningAU #GardeningAus Gardening Australia
#plantmail #echeveria #cotelydon #succulents #succulentsofmastodon #succulentsofthefediverse #gardening #gardeningau #gardeningaus
Something different for people with raised garden beds; growing in gravel, compost, and #biochar
Based off of structural soils used in Stockholm, I conducted quite a few pot trials from 50L to the bed pictured below with above average results, surprisingly so. Using manufactured soil, usually high in organic matter like bark, in raised beds can result in compaction or high costs for quality soils, a gravel bed doesn't compact and is relatively cheap.
A simplified recipe to use is 100% gravel by volume and mix in 7.5% compost + 7.5% biochar. Try it yourself, just add water and follow your usual gardening practices. In this bed is gravel a builder gave away, a given away garden bed (old water tank), vermicompost from horse manure bedding fed with kitchen waste, and bamboo biochar. Additives include gypsum, dolomite lime, crusher dust during mixing.
#biochar #gardening #gardeningau #gardeningaus
Last week’s #PlantMail finally potted up. Some exciting ones for me this week, not that I’m not always excited by new plants.
Echeveria Osmanthis
Echeveria Nebula
Echeveria Blue Spur
Echeveria Shaviana Bumps
Echeveria Thriller Pearl (a brand new import)
Echeveria Elegans (an oldie but a goodie)
Echeveria Hybrid
#echeveria #Succulents #SucculentsOfTheFediverse #SucculentsOfMastodon #GardeningAU #GardeningAus #GardeningAustralia
#plantmail #echeveria #succulents #succulentsofthefediverse #succulentsofmastodon #gardeningau #gardeningaus #GardeningAustralia
Last week’s (and a few from the week before that only arrived last week) #PlantMail. Potting was a major effort and I don’t plant on doing that many at once ever again!
Echeveria Dracula
Echeveria Unknown Bumpy (2)
Echeveria Bluette
Echeveria Calico Cream
Echeveria Velvet Rose
Echeveria Etna
Echeveria Cleopatra
Echeveria Mexican Tears
Echeveria Boton
Echeveria Yamato Haru
Echeveria Seori Yeon
Echeveria Deresina
Echeveria Moon Fairy
Anacampseros Rufrescens Variegata (Sunrise)
Echeveria Bella Rouge
Conophytum Luiseae
Echeveria Prunella
#succulents #Echeveria #Conophytum #Anacampseros #GardeningAU #GardeningAus #GardeningAustralia #PlantsOfMastodon #SucculentsOfMastodon #SucculentsOfTheFediverse #IThinkIHaveASucculentProblem
#plantmail #succulents #echeveria #conophytum #anacampseros #gardeningau #gardeningaus #GardeningAustralia #plantsofmastodon #succulentsofmastodon #succulentsofthefediverse #ithinkihaveasucculentproblem
Took some pruning to the Council depot where they turn it into shredded mulch. Now applying to the verge garden. #GardeningAus