I was NOT expecting this! Was it on my wish list? Yes! Did I do the hard sell of being able to pressure can meats? Maybe. Have I watched PeeliesNPetals pressure canning videos for 2 solid hours? Absolutely! I hope the are more people in the fediverse #canning #preserving #harvest #gardeningchallenges
#gardeningchallenges #harvest #preserving #canning
#gardeningchallenges I have decided to primarily grow herbs and flowers in my fenced garden next year instead of vegetables. Gophers ate all of the beets, most of the cucumbers and tomatoes this year. I went to harvest the beets, which looked amazing, and only the tops were there! The rest of the beets were chewed off. They're going to have to go somewhere else for a meal next summer. Nope.
The December Dilemma begins: what tomato seeds should I order?
#gardeningchallenges #VeggieGardening
#veggiegardening #gardeningchallenges
The December Dilemma begins: what tomato seeds should I order?
#gardeningchallenges #VeggieGardening
#veggiegardening #gardeningchallenges
ADVENTure Day 2
Last week a local plant & seed company had a 2 for 1 offer on their Blueberry bushes. They arrived last night, in the dark. I found them by the courtyard gate this morning.
I’ve not grown Blueberries before, I know they prefer acid soil so in SW Suffolk on chalky-clay/river silt this may be a challenge. I’ll probably grow them in containers, which in hot dry weather might be a challenge. I’ll be on a gardening adventure.
#Advent #AdventAdventures #gardeningchallenges #blueberries
#blueberries #gardeningchallenges #adventadventures #Advent