You Must Sow These Seeds in February
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Today's tip.
Got a outdoor tap that leaks through the top of the fitting, no matter how tight you do it up?
Whack some plumbers tap on the tap thread.
This tap had been leaking for the past 18 years, when ever we turned it on. Had various fitting. Now fixed.
Also got a self coiling garden hose to got on it and the other 3 taps. Takes up less space and more convenient than a regular hose.
#gardening #gardeninghacks #plumbing
Today's tip.
Got a outdoor tap that leaks through the top of the fitting, no matter how tight you do it up?
Whack some plumbers tap on the tap thread.
This tap had been leaking for the past 18 years, when ever we turned it on. Had various fitting. Now fixed.
Also got a self coiling garden hose to got on it and the other 3 taps. Takes up less space and more convenient than a regular hose.
#gardening #gardeninghacks #plumbing
Grobes #Gartenhack: Weinbutte + Buttenheber (bei Ebay zus. 50€) zum rückenschonenden Tragen von Mulch, Kompost etc. #gartenhacks #gardeninghacks #diy #selbstversorger #selbstversorgergarten #hanggarten #gardeningtools
#gardeningtools #hanggarten #selbstversorgergarten #selbstversorger #diy #gardeninghacks #gartenhacks #Gartenhack