Did you know? 'Gardening leave' is when your employer sends you home with pay after you resign or get fired, preventing access to confidential info.
I'd prefer a 'Beach leave,' though! 🏖️😉 #FunFact #GardeningLeave
Schools are back and the Easter holiday nightmare is finally over! Or is it? Inset day for my little monkeys, so I'm at a softplay with hoards of other frazzled looking parents. This is not what I imagined gardening leave to be like... #TiredParent #GardeningLeave #Softplay #NeedSleep
#needsleep #softplay #gardeningleave #tiredparent
Here's one for the 'What's going on?' files. Two senior Christchurch City Council staff haven't been at work for at least a fortnight and the Council is keeping schtung, fuelling rumours amongst staff.
#christchurch #ccc #gardeningleave