New gardening gloves range launched By Town & Country from recycled plastic ocean waste - all for under a tenner! Available at garden centres this month. #gardening #gardeningtools #recycling #plastic #oceanwaste
#gardening #gardeningtools #recycling #plastic #oceanwaste
These are my favorite gardening tools.
The #broadfork from Bully tools is a great addition this year.
The spading fork is indispensable for digging dandelion and dock.
The blue cultivator I bought at a yard sale for a few bucks. It's the last step in bed prep to break up and loosen any large clumps of dirt.
#broadfork #gardening #gardeningtools
Are you #serious now? My neighbour only ever uses his #gardeningtools after 5 pm. But today is #newyearsday #sunday and it’s so #tranquil. Now he’s using his #4strokemower, his #2strokewhippersnipper, and making a lot of noise, in the lead up to #6pm, traditionally a quiet time in the #neighbourhood . #fairdinkum
#serious #gardeningtools #newyearsday #sunday #tranquil #4strokemower #2strokewhippersnipper #6pm #neighbourhood #fairdinkum
@christa you are welcome. If you are just starting out another goodieyou can find used on Ebay etc The Vegetable Gardener's Bible. Have fun. Check out my #gardeningtools
#Gardening Just spent 3 hours plating 230 bulbs #ThinkSpring and weeding until my back and fingers ache....the rain really helped to loosen the soil. More rain expected tonight. These were my friends. #GardeningTools
#gardening #thinkspring #gardeningtools
#ArtAdventCalendar Day One Camellia 'Kanjiro' in rain. Looking more like a rose than a Camellia.
#Camellia #GardeningTools
#artadventcalendar #camellia #gardeningtools
@kwheaton we're lucky to have a back, front & side garden, but that does mean tools get left in all sorts of places - so with our new #vegetable #garden I try to keep all the red or wooden handled #GardeningTools by the veggies, and everything else can land where it may. My hero tool is definitely the oldest, the dibbler has seen me through many a #planting craze or phase and is fading but otherwise keeping on trucking !
#vegetable #garden #gardeningtools #planting
@oortville i do not have a hori...but I do have two similars...maybe post later this week #GardeningTools
#GardeningTools please share your favorite gardening tools. Here are a couple that are so well loved they are wearing away. I can't remember the company. Yes, I do a lot of weeding. #Weeding #Gardening
#gardeningtools #weeding #gardening
#GardeningTools please share your favorite gardening tools. Here are a couple that are so well loved they are wearing away. I can't remember the company. Yes, I do a lot of weeding. #Weeding #Gardening
#gardeningtools #weeding #gardening
My favorite gardening tool. Dewit's Snake tongue trowel. Recieved as a gift. Worth it's weight in gold. ($$$) Please share yours! #gardening #GardeningTools #GardeningTips
#gardening #gardeningtools #gardeningtips
Grobes #Gartenhack: Weinbutte + Buttenheber (bei Ebay zus. 50€) zum rückenschonenden Tragen von Mulch, Kompost etc. #gartenhacks #gardeninghacks #diy #selbstversorger #selbstversorgergarten #hanggarten #gardeningtools
#gardeningtools #hanggarten #selbstversorgergarten #selbstversorger #diy #gardeninghacks #gartenhacks #Gartenhack