Jeszcze jakby ktoś jechał przez Austrię z rowerami z przyczepka na haku... podobno jest to problematyczne i takie przewożenie wymaga oznakowania kwadratową tablicą ostrzegawczą z elementami odblaskowymi... sporawy mandat za to.... oczywiście wszyscy jeżdżą tranzytem bez ale taka tablica nie jest głupim pomysłem....
Die Terminpause schnell für einen Arbeitsplatzwechsel genutzt. #rennrad #mdrza #mdrnh #gardenoffice #garten #strava
#rennrad #mdrza #mdrnh #gardenoffice #garten #strava
Happy new year, sheddies.
I can't believe that I'm I still running this amazing competition, but people seem to love it, this year #shedoftheyear is 17 years old.
I have met so brilliant sheddies & seen so many stunning sheds, over the years - thanks, Love you and your sheds!
BTW You can now Enter your Shed for #shedoftheyear 2023 :)
#sheddie #gardenshed #writingshed #gardenoffice #shed #shedoftheyear
Most Viewed Sheds from 2022 #shedoftheyear entry
Did you shed make the top 50?
#shedvent #ShedsWrapped #shedageddon #sheds #shedsofMastodon #gardenshed #gardenoffice
#gardenoffice #gardenshed #shedsofmastodon #sheds #shedageddon #shedswrapped #shedvent #shedoftheyear
This is going to take some time to get used to. I may have joined the wrong server, or maybe not.
#homestead #woodsplitting #gardenoffice
Hastagging things I’ve identified with or thought of today.
#gardenoffice #woodsplitting #homestead
Notebook im Garten aufladen. Gaaanz einfach. Man nehme eine Solarzelle, ein billigen aber ausreichenden Laderegler, einen Wechselrichter und zu guter letzt ein Akku. 🤣 #solar #gardenoffice