Rizinus. Auf deutsch auch oft Wunderbaum, kennt man vor allem wg. seiner dekorativen, großen Blätter (oft auch rot). Spannend sind die getrenntgeschlechtlichen Büten: nur wenige mm groß bei der riesigen Pflanze. Die Bohnen werden in stacheligen Hüllen gebildet.
#gardenphotography #FotoMontag
#gardenphotography #Fotomontag
Before / After Rhododendron
#Rhododendron #Flowers #Plants #Gardening #Flowers #BloomScrolling #Photography #GardenPhotography #Nature #FlowerPhotography #Canberra #NaturePhotography #Australia
#rhododendron #flowers #plants #gardening #bloomscrolling #photography #gardenphotography #nature #flowerphotography #canberra #naturephotography #australia
Gary Mo’ Bird_”one way to know”
#favoritedinosaurstudios #birdgang #gary #mockingbird #garydontplay #animals #wildlifephotography #art #urbanjungle #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #hunt #birdphotography #naturephotography #birdwatching #birding #gable #nectarinetreehq #thehollertime #onewaytoknow
#favoritedinosaurstudios #birdgang #gary #mockingbird #garydontplay #animals #wildlifephotography #art #urbanjungle #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #hunt #birdphotography #naturephotography #birdwatching #birding #gable #nectarinetreehq #thehollertime #onewaytoknow
Green is the color.
#palms #flowers #natur #naturphotography #garden #gardenphoto #gardenphotography
#gardenphotography #gardenphoto #garden #naturphotography #natur #flowers #palms
Der heutige #FotoMontag in der #gardenphotography zeigt Sonnenblumen. Schon vor der offenen Blüte sind sie spektakulär.
#Fotomontag #gardenphotography
super moon.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #supermoon #fullmoon #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #nightphotography #moonphoto #moonphases #astrophotography #luna #lunarlumen #art #urbanjungle #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #nectarinetreehq
#favoritedinosaurstudios #supermoon #fullmoon #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #nightphotography #moonphoto #moonphases #astrophotography #luna #lunarlumen #art #urbanjungle #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #nectarinetreehq
Damit die Haselnuss zeitig im Frühjahr blühen kann legt sie jetzt schon die Blütenstände an. Schau genau. #gardenphotography #FotoMontag
#gardenphotography #Fotomontag
Send me dead flowers by the mail
Send me dead flowers to my wedding
And I won't forget to put roses on your grave
#rollingstones #deadflowers #cornflower #bloomscrolling #naturephotography #flowerphotography #mastoart #mastophoto #macro #macrophotography #garden #gardenphotography
#rollingstones #deadflowers #cornflower #bloomscrolling #naturephotography #flowerphotography #mastoart #mastophoto #macro #macrophotography #garden #gardenphotography
Die Tellerhortensie wurde dieses Frühjahr von einem Spätfrost getroffen. Daher gibt es jetzt Ende August noch immer Blütenstände. Die großen, blauen Schaublüten sollen die Insekten anlocken. Die Blüten in der Mitte sind erst mit dem Makro in voller Schönheit zu erkennen. #FotoMontag #gardenphotography
#Fotomontag #gardenphotography
Gary Mo’ Bird_gratitude gable.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #birdgang #gary #mockingbird #grubbin #garydontplay #animals #wildlifephotography #art #urbanjungle #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #hunt #birdphotography #naturephotography #birdwatching #birding #grateful #gable #nectarinetreehq
#favoritedinosaurstudios #birdgang #gary #mockingbird #grubbin #garydontplay #animals #wildlifephotography #art #urbanjungle #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #hunt #birdphotography #naturephotography #birdwatching #birding #grateful #gable #nectarinetreehq
Tiny Terror
We easily see hawks command the skies looking for prey. But there’s a small world nearly unnoticed in a garden built for #biodiversity. Here, a female Widow Skimmer Dragonfly perches quietly on a spent flower stalk from an Asiatic Lily, looking for mosquitoes near my pond. By the time they see her coming, it’s too late. Hawk in miniature.
#biodiversity #gardening #dragonfly #wildlifegardening #gardenphotography
Pink blooms nary hummingbird looms.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #summer #garden #pink #pretty #pollinatorpower #bloom #blossom #flower #flowers #green #nature #urbanjungle #macro #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #nectarinetreehq #redyucca #hummingbird
#favoritedinosaurstudios #summer #garden #pink #pretty #pollinatorpower #bloom #blossom #flower #flowers #green #nature #urbanjungle #macro #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #nectarinetreehq #redyucca #hummingbird
Color Coordination
Here is an Ambush Bug on Garden Coreopsis, waiting, very still, to use its strong forelimbs to snatch and consume the next bug who lands, even if it is larger than itself. Note how the maroon on the flower coordinates with the patch on the bug. The yellow on both as well. I try to coordinate elements as much as possible in my garden. You know, for photographs.
#Gardening #Biodiversity #WildlifeGardening
#FlowerFriday #BloomScrolling
#gardening #biodiversity #wildlifegardening #flowerfriday #bloomscrolling #gardenphotography
A study of the cosmos.
#cosmos #flower #flowerphotography #bloomscrolling #naturephotography #garden #gardenphotography #blackandwhite #mastoart #photoart #yeg #alberta #StAlbert
#cosmos #flower #flowerphotography #bloomscrolling #naturephotography #garden #gardenphotography #blackandwhite #mastoart #photoart #yeg #alberta #StAlbert
Repugnant raptor.v3_look back at it.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #bird #hawk #raptor #birdofprey #birdsofprey #birdwatching #wildlifephotography #urbanwildlife #urbanjungle #urbannature #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #nectarinetreehq
#favoritedinosaurstudios #bird #hawk #raptor #birdofprey #birdsofprey #birdwatching #wildlifephotography #urbanwildlife #urbanjungle #urbannature #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #nectarinetreehq
Die Gemeine Schneebeere (Symphoricarpos albus) ist bei den Gärtnern als Füll- und Deckstrauch beliebt. Wenn man so will als zweitrangige Hintergrundpflanze. Kinder haben Freude daran die Früchte zum Platzen zu bringen. Wer näher hinschaut wird sehen, dass diese Pflanze sehr beliebt ist. Die wenige mm großen, zartrosa Blüten werden fleissig von Bienen und anderen Insekten besucht.
Alle Fotos die ich unter #Fotomontag veröffentliche werden an unmittelbar davor fotografiert.
#gardenphotography #Fotomontag
BC.bud_fortuitous bloom from seed.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #summer #bcbud #purp #pretty #pollinatorpower #bloom #blossom #flower #green #urbanjungle #plantlife #plantsarecool #letweedsbloom #macro #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #nectarinetreehq
#favoritedinosaurstudios #summer #bcbud #purp #pretty #pollinatorpower #bloom #blossom #flower #green #urbanjungle #plantlife #plantsarecool #letweedsbloom #macro #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography #nectarinetreehq
The air is sweet
The summer flowers blooming
Nowhere in sight is there anything grey
#NOFX #August8th #poorlittletimmyturtle #rudbeckia #bloomscrolling #yeg #edmonton #stalbert #alberta #flowerphotography #naturephotgraphy #macrophotography #mastoart #photoart #garden #gardenphotography
#nofx #august8th #poorlittletimmyturtle #rudbeckia #bloomscrolling #yeg #edmonton #StAlbert #alberta #flowerphotography #naturephotgraphy #macrophotography #mastoart #photoart #garden #gardenphotography
#favoritedinosaurstudios #insect #green #grasshoper #macro #bug #entomology #art #grasshoppersightings #littlejumpers #hoppermoments #macromagic #buglife #cricketscousin #art #urbanjungle #generalistview #gardenphotography #nectarinetreehq
#favoritedinosaurstudios #insect #green #grasshoper #macro #bug #entomology #art #grasshoppersightings #littlejumpers #hoppermoments #macromagic #buglife #cricketscousin #urbanjungle #generalistview #gardenphotography #nectarinetreehq