Ich habe eine #Gartenfrage:
Trommelkomposter: yay oder nay?
Mir ist Joraform aufgefallen und ich bin interessiert.
@dieliebenessy haben Sie Ihren noch im Einsatz?
I have a #gardenquestion:
Compost tumbler: are they worth it?
I'm interested in Joraform if that's telling you something...
Does anyone have a link to good homemade indoor worm composting setup? #WormComposter #GardenQuestion
#wormcomposter #gardenquestion
Alright #GardenMastodon, I grew dahlias from seed this year and they were gorgeous and now I am looking for your best tips for lifting and storing the tubers. #gardentips #dahlias #gardenquestion #gardening
#gardening #gardenquestion #dahlias #gardentips #gardenmastodon
Alright #GardenMastodon, I grew dahlias from seed this year and they were gorgeous and now I am looking for your best tips for lifting and storing the tubers. #gardentips #dahlias #gardenquestion #gardening
#gardening #gardenquestion #dahlias #gardentips #gardenmastodon