Yes, it's been a huge issue here in Nevada (Gardnerville area). One company, Campora, added to the already shortage of propane because their delivery system somehow failed, so many customers didn't get their regular delivery, and Campora lost a lot of its staff, so they were down to just two drivers trying to serve everyone. Customers were racing to switch to other companies, which put an additional load on the system.
#campora #propane #gardnervillenv #Nevada #propaneshortage
The icicles keep growing!
#icicles #SierraNevada #GardnervilleNV #CarsonValleyNV
#icicles #sierranevada #gardnervillenv #carsonvalleynv
A day after the big New Year's Eve storm. Off in the distance black cattle are standing in the snow next to a farmhouse. We already have so much snow and several more Atmospheric River storms are forecasted this week and into the future. It will take a while to dig out from all of this.
#nvwx #AtmosphericRivers #CarsonValleyNV #GardnervilleNV #SnowyLandscape
#nvwx #atmosphericrivers #carsonvalleynv #gardnervillenv #snowylandscape
Snow is still falling into the night. Power keeps flickering with brown-outs. Hoping to have light as the new year begins.
#nvwx #CarsonValleyNV #GardnervilleNV #AtmospericRiver #SierraNevada #HeavySnow #LakeTahoe
#nvwx #carsonvalleynv #gardnervillenv #atmospericriver #sierranevada #heavysnow #laketahoe
Another update from Gardnerville foothills near Lake Tahoe. Snow has been falling heavily, and we already have close to 2“.
#nvwx #AtmosphericRiver #GardnervilleNV #CarsonValleyNV #HeavySnow #LakeTahoe
#nvwx #atmosphericriver #gardnervillenv #carsonvalleynv #heavysnow #laketahoe
In Gardnerville at the Sierra foothills, the rain is now turning to snow and the temperature is dropping. Centerville between Hwy 88 and Foothill is closed due to flooding. Mottsville was still open, but the flooded fields are approaching the roadway. Chains are required on Kingsbury Grade. #nvwx #atmosphericriver #snow #CarsonValleyNV #GardnervilleNV #KingsburyGrade #LakeTahoe #SierraNevada #Flooding
#nvwx #atmosphericriver #snow #carsonvalleynv #gardnervillenv #kingsburygrade #laketahoe #sierranevada #flooding