Das Hochkommissariat der #UN in #Honduras fordert Aufklärung über den gewaltsamen #Tod des #Garífuna -Aktivisten #MartínMoralesMartínez http://ow.ly/tEg950OELNS
#un #honduras #tod #garifuna #martinmoralesmartinez
When you think of #latin and #Caribbean music, this is not generally what comes to mind, but it's also great. #LebehaDrummers #Belize #Garifuna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfCxb9VSnaQ
#latin #caribbean #lebehadrummers #belize #garifuna
Regarding the #Caribbean: "the Spanish were so thorough in the horrors they visited upon the Indigenous population that there aren’t really survivors around to speak for a separate identity" is a myth. The best-known indigenous community of the islands, the #Taíno, were devastated but not eliminated by spanish colonialism. The #Kalinago, who were mainly genocided by the british, are also still around, with a government-sanctioned reservation on Waitu'kubuli (dominica) & an active diaspora. Some survivors of these genocides assimilated, but there are revival movements among descendants. Other survivors created new indigenous communities like the #Garifuna. Indigenous peoples of the Caribbean weren't "completely" eliminated any more than those of the amerikan mainlands were—& there's always been much movement of peoples between mainland & islands.
responding to: https://laserdisc.party/@nsmckinnon/110194433757398533
#caribbean #taino #Kalinago #garifuna
"Honduras: Asesinato de campesino en El Aguán; suman siete defensores violentados en 2023"
Suman 7 defensores asesinados en Honduras en apenas dos meses. El caso del Aguán se añade al asesinato de defensores del río Guapinol y un defensor garífuna.
👉 https://avispa.org/?p=93478 🐝
#Honduras #Garífuna #EmergenciaHumanitaria
#SerLiderSocialNoEsDelito #PueblosOriginarios #CentroAmérica #Genocidio #Defensor #OFRANEH #OACNUDH #DefensaDelTerritorio #DDHH #DefensaDeLaVida #Autonomía #XiomaraCastro
#honduras #garifuna #emergenciahumanitaria #serlidersocialnoesdelito #pueblosoriginarios #centroamerica #genocidio #defensor #ofraneh #oacnudh #defensadelterritorio #ddhh #DefensaDeLaVida #autonomia #XiomaraCastro
Thought some people might be interested in this. Traditional Garifuna Dancers. Really cool rhythms. Good looking people too, descendants of escaped slaves. Really cool traditional music also.
#Garifuna, #WorldMusic, #Dance, #Africa
#garifuna #worldmusic #dance #africa
"Miriam Miranda: “Estamos construyendo autonomía frente al capitalismo voraz”
Desde el mes de septiembre, integrantes de la Aldea Garífuna del Municipio de José Santos Guardiola, en las Islas de la Bahía, comenzaron la recuperación de una parte de su territorio ancestral.
👉 https://avispa.org/?p=92326 🐝
#Honduras #Garífuna #PueblosOriginarios #Racismo #AfroIndígena #LATAM #Urgente #Desalojo #Violencia #CentroAmérica #Genocidio #PueblosAfroDescendientes #PolicíaNacional #DefensaDelTerritorio #DDHH
#honduras #garifuna #pueblosoriginarios #racismo #afroindigena #latam #urgente #desalojo #violencia #centroamerica #genocidio #pueblosafrodescendientes #policianacional #defensadelterritorio #ddhh
Fun fact about this week's location. And the home of the #Miskito.
#afrotalescast #artbyshalaye #content #creator #myth #legend #lore #folktale #folklore #Nicaragua #ringoffire #NativeAmerican #indigenous #facts #garifuna #miskitu #creole #afrolatinx #kriole #africandiaspora
#miskito #afrotalescast #artbyshalaye #content #creator #myth #legend #lore #folktale #folklore #nicaragua #ringoffire #nativeamerican #indigenous #facts #garifuna #miskitu #creole #afrolatinx #kriole #AfricanDiaspora
#Music share from a random country:
#Belize 🇧🇿
This is #Garifuna Muguya (I'm Garifuna); a celebration of the Garifuna culture. The genre is modern #Punta, but for contrast, the video starts with a short snippet of the traditional form, and the emphasis on #percussion is present throughout. The Garifuna are a people of mixed free #African and American #indigenous ancestry that were deported to Central America. The language is a displaced member of the Arawakan family.
#music #belize #garifuna #punta #percussion #african #Indigenous
#Honduras: Seit 200 Jahren kämpfen Garífuna-Gemeinden um ihr Land
Im August besuchte eine Delegation deutscher Journalisten und
Aktivisten die GarífunGemeinden im Widerstand.
Afro-indigene #Garífuna leben seit mehr als 200 Jahren in Honduras
an der Karibikküste. Permanent müssen sie ihre fundamentalen
#Menschenrechte verteidigen. Ihr angestammtes Land wird ihnen systematisch geraubt. Früher die großen Bananenkonzerne, heute #Palmöl-Unternehmen.
20.11.2022 Radio onda
#Honduras #garifuna #menschenrechte #palmol
Nach gewaltsamer Räumung: Solidarität mit dem Garífuna-Projekt Wagaira Le!
Unser Honduras-Spezial im onda-info ist fertig! Wir berichten von unserer Delegationsreise zu den #Garifuna Gemeinden, es geht um
#Landraub die Privatstädte #ZEDE und um ein neues Radio von #KarlaLara. Hier könnt ihr reinhören: https://www.npla.de/thema/kultur-medien/onda-info-551/
#garifuna #landraub #zede #karlalara
RT @PersonalEscrito@twitter.com
Solidarity with the Afro-Indigenous people in #Honduras. Follow @ofraneh@twitter.com and @baraudawaguchu@twitter.com.
Check out the thread below.
#Garifuna #INDIGENOUS https://twitter.com/AnnaCat_Brigida/status/1562460839168602112
#indigenous #garifuna #honduras