FBI searching Biden’s home in Rehoboth Beach
I want to know why the FBI isn’t searching every residence Trump owns, including the golf course his ex-wife is buried on? How can Biden be under more scrutiny than the guy who admitted he STOLE Top Secret documents!! #GarlandFailure
Trump’s MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT of another grift to line his pockets and fund his 2024 presidential campaign is made possible because Merrick Garland did absolutely nothing to prosecute him for his crimes and shut him down for 2 years.
Stop acting surprised that more TS/classified stuff is found — but be shocked at why Merrick Garland didn’t search all of Trump’s properties. Or indict him already!
We must demand a real Attorney General with prosecutor chops, not a cowardly, useless pompous judge who let Trump skate for 2 years.
First full week of December. This means…
23 months
0 indictments v Trump &co
By contrast:
22 months
37 indictments
Rhodes convicted is awesome news…
If it was November 29, 2021.
It’s almost 2023 FFS. Trump — not Rhodes — should have been indicted, tried and jailed in a maximum facility.
If only Garland was willing and able.
#garlandfailure #rhodes #indicttrump #firegarland